Chapter 182 Cosmic Octagonal Nexus Disk

In the center of the stone door was a circular disk.

There was a Cosmic Octagonal Nexus on the disk, surrounded by a scattered astronomical star


“Isn’t this a Cosmic Octagonal Nexus disk? Why is it here?” Sylvia asked in surprise.

“This is a Cosmic Octagonal Nexus constellation map. The scattered stars represent the 28 constellations, and there are also 12 astrological signs. There’s a mystery hidden in this!” Caspian explained.

At a glance, he understood the Cosmic Octagonal Nexus constellation map.

“It’s just a door. Why complicate things with such intricate details?” Macy questioned.

“There seem to be words on both sides of the door.” Sylvia shone her flashlight on either side

of the stone.

Under the dim light, they saw the words written on it. They read, “Break the disc, enter this door”

“So, the secret to opening the stone door lies in deciphering the star disc?” Sylvia suddenly


Caspian nodded. The Cosmic Octagonal Nexus disk served as the switch for the stone door. Only by unraveling the mysteries on it would they have a chance to open the door.

“No wonder those Tigra special forces haven’t been active lately. They must have been stumped by this,” Macy said.

“The Cosmic Octagonal Nexus is a quintessential part of Diatorian’s heritage. They’re bound to be unable to decipher it,” Caspian affirmed.

“Is deciphering the Cosmic Octagonal Nexus disk really difficult?” Macy, unfamiliar with such knowledge, asked.

“Don’t ask such pointless questions next time. If it’s used as the key to the stone door, it certainly isn’t simple!” Caspian remarked calmly.

Soon after, they noticed traces of explosives on the corners of the stone door.

Obviously, the Tigrans had used explosives. But they hadn’t anticipated the door to be so sturdy.


be invaluable treasures behind

nothing in


was how the people of Tigra

wasn’t the time to ponder over

dig the passage and found the entrance, the priority now is to open this stone door,” Caspian said as he began studying the Cosmic Octagonal Nexus disk on the door.

sure you can decipher

signaling her to be

Nexus disk on the stone door as he delved deeper into his

some careful observations, he realized some things.

majestic beasts, the Azure

Azure Dragon of the east constellation was surrounded by stars from

that to open the stone door, the needed to resolve the crisis in

deeply engrossed in his thoughts as he generated countless ideas in his


Macy saw his serious demeanor, they didn’t

though he were on an ancient battlefield. He was facing an onslaught from the four magical beasts charging from

sit back and wait for death! Even if I die, I’ll die with

Macy were taken aback by Caspian’s sudden

snatched her

turn of events terrified

Caspian!” everyone shouted in a panic.

swiftly moved to snatch the gun from Caspian.


echoed in the tunnel.

bullet hit the surrounding wall.

relieved to see Caspian

Caspian, are you okay?” Sylvia held

just happened?” Macy asked.

were both shocked by Caspian’s attempt


something happen?” Caspian noticed everyone looking

Caspian, why did you try to end your life? Luckily, we were quick to intervene!”


hadn’t acted immediately,

are you talking about?” Caspian was

realized he was holding a gun in his

onto his hand tightly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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