Chapter 186 Reward

“Mr. Shaw, please calm down. They’re all special forces soldiers from Tigra. They don’t have any knowledge about Diatoran,” Taylor hastily explained.

If they angered him, they wouldn’t be able to crack the code. Therefore, for the sake of this, Taylor had to show utmost respect to him.

Henry didn’t say much.

He knew that ordinary people wouldn’t understand the mysteries of the Cosmic Octagonal.


Hence, he used a flashlight to point out the corresponding constellations.

Under his command, the soldier began gradually shifting the eastern constellations.

The most unexpected thing happened! The constellations from the other three directions began to move on their own!

This scene shocked everyone present. The wisdom of the ancient Diatorians was indeed


However, after the movement of several constellations, the situation seemed to become even

more dangerous.

The situation with the Azure Dragon was already grim. If this continued, the situation was

bound to be lost!

As for Taylor, Bob, and the others, they simply couldn’t comprehend what was happening. They could only silently pray that Henry could solve this puzzle.

However, they noticed Henry’s expression growing more solemn and sensed that the situation. was turning dire.

At this point, Henry was sweating heavily. He had just taken five steps, yet the situation had already gone beyond his control!

Now, he could only take a risk!

He directed the soldier to move an important constellation, Starweave. It symbolized the Water Leopard. He hoped that this move would have an unexpected effect!

But surprisingly, right after the Starweave constellation moved, the southern Vermilion Bird constellation suddenly shifted.

It defused the situation on this side!

However, the Starweave constellation was slowly eaten after that move!


Following that, a terrifying incident occurred!

Just as the Starweave constellation vanished in an instant, a crack appeared on the Cosmic Octagonal Nexus disk.

Within it, a cold light flashed, and a long knife shimmered, coming straight through.

The soldier standing in front was immediately beheaded!

His blood splashed on the Cosmic Octagonal Nexus disk.

The sudden turn of events stunned everyone!

flashed and then receded

that none of them were

head rolled on the ground.

the position as before, and blood gushed from his

entire body collapsed backward.

witnessed this gruesome scene were terrified.

realized the terror of this Cosmic

the one who deciphered it would. be killed

hadn’t moved the

chosen. No one would

sudden accident.

moment, all the constellation pieces on the Cosmic Octagonal Nexus

everyone suddenly realized that the Cosmic Octagonal

you confident that you could solve it? Why did you still fail?” Taylor asked disappointedly.

would be able to quickly decipher the

careless to think I could solve it immediately. Let me think

lost a


trained them personally. Each of them was extensively trained


no one can! Let me ponder it further.”

sure you’re absolutely certain before

to obtain the

had come this close

to open


special forces soldiers, it would be worth it as long

After finishing his words, Henry focused intensely on the Cosmic Octagonal Nexus disk and got lost

soldiers stood still, not daring

nervous as they feared that they might be called upon to move the pieces.

was preparing to make an improvement. This time, he needed to move

thrived in

the puzzle!” Henry

the same thing happen

didn’t want to lose another

to stand in front

willing to risk

of puzzle is critical at every step. A single move can alter the entire situation! This time, I’m very confident!”


let’s act quickly,” Taylor urged

special forces soldiers. He only wanted what was behind the stone

like last time to follow my instructions and move the constellation pieces!” Henry

risk after

“Bob, you

better. You pick

helpless, but he had

complete this difficult task?”

events, these soldiers

worried that because of Henry’s mistake, they might lose

willing to step up and complete this task will receive a reward of three million

sure to be men who would step forward. Taylor didn’t

someone would risk their life for that amount of

as long as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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