Chapter 231 Burning Their Bridges

“Should we really invest half of our assets in Southlake Corporation?”

“I have the same question. This isn’t a small sum, you know!”

“Can’t we think of other solutions?”

The other family heads were still hesitating. It was hard for them to accept that they would have to invest half of their family assets in a corporation.

A wrong investment decision would cause dire consequences.

“You all lack foresight. I’ve already made my decision. As for what you’ll do, I don’t care at all! “Howard said with a laugh.

He then stood up and got ready to head to Starsphere Media. He no longer bothered to argue with the others. For him, this investment was completely worth it!

The others got up as well when they saw Howard do so.

“Our wealth and property are only worldly things that we’ll get to earn back in the future. If we lose our lives, though, we lose everything, so have that in mind!”

After saying that, Howard left.

“Wait! We’ll go with you!”

The three followed after him.

They lamented the loss of their family properties, but they knew their worldly possessions. were insignificant compared to the fate of their families and their lives.

As long as they still had a place in Easton, they would enjoy endless wealth, and they might earn back the sum they had invested.

If Caspian was as adept as he was made out to be, the Four Noble Lineages would have someone to back them up in the future, contributing to their success

What the Four Noble Lineages feared most now was Mahayan Pavilion. If the group launched a full attack on them, they would not be able to hold their own against it.

At Starsphere Media.

“Caspian, will the Four Noble Lineages seek you out?” Sylvia asked while looking at Caspian, who was lounging on his office chair.

“If they have something resembling a brain, they’ll show up. They’ll get killed if they don’t,”



don’t show up?” Sylvia

don’t, they’ll suffer Mahayan Pavilion’s wrath, and the Four Noble Lineages will completely disappear

were in a difficult


Mahayan Pavilion has reached a mutual

of Dhord City. The two groups plan to work

Southlake Corporation under control. Their next

I’ve already warned them before, but if they insist on walking to their deaths, then we’ll

City? They’ll

fine. I have plans. If the York family insists on going against what is good for them, I’ll show them what I’m capable

him and filled

seen him exuding such overpowering air in a

surely suffer a hard blow this time.

Four Noble Lineages of Easton are here to meet

Kellen rushed in. The Four

the crap out of him.

were top elite families in Easton, and the common folks would never

come across them.

Media at the same time. No

be so nervous, Mr. Dolan. This is nothing. Caspian dislikes people who panic at

man looked.

seemed at a loss for words.


the Four Noble

families of Dhord City would have to kneel to him if they were

calm Caspian appeared, Keller was even more curious

Caspian was not an ordinary man.


them to the reception room. Caspian will be

nodded and walked out of the office.

expect the heads of the Four Noble Lineages to show up

Noble Lineages cannot handle this when it happens. Do you think they’ll just sit there and let everything

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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