Chapter 259 The Most Mysterious Elite Family

Swallow Castle in Naporia was a building with a long history.

The entire castle had a large area and was convenient for transportation.

One of Naporia’s Eight Noble Lineages, the Zann family, lived here.

In the courtyard of the castle, an 80–year–old man in a suit was lying on a wooden rocking chair.

He was Vermont Zann, the most prestigious person in the Zann family.

He was low profile and didn’t like to get involved in trouble. He had been living in Swallow Castle and rarely went out.

At this time, he showed a trace of worry.

A middle–aged man was standing in front of him. The man’s name was Aaron Zann, his only son and now the head of the Zann family.

Aaron just told him everything that happened in Naporia.

“I didn’t expect that the situation would change so quickly. It seems that the Zann family is in danger,” Vermont said in frustration while sighing.

“Dad, our biggest enemy should be Cole. And he didn’t become the alliance leader. That’s good. for us. Why are we in danger?” Aaron asked, confused.

He said gloomily, “Georgie and the others have already sided with Caspian. They’re openly opposing Galecrest. Do you think Cole will let us go? The elite families are in the same boat.

Cole will take action against us sooner or later. Do you understand now?”

Vermont was helpless. He was a person with a great influence in Naporia. Yet, he had raised. such a mindless son!

He feared Aaron would ruin the Zann family after he passed away.

“Be prepared. Maybe Georgie and the others are already on their way.

“Dad, really? Are you sure they’ll come?” Aaron asked, stunned.

He was beyond exasperated now. His son was indeed stupid!

must show some sincerity. To put it bluntly, they’ll lose a lot of money. They’re smart

to that, Aaron realized something and said in shock, “That Caspian


his head. “He’s not mean but strategic. He’s intelligent enough to make money without using

ran over and reported. “Mr. Zann Senior, the


Zann Senior is here!”

a loud shout, Vermont and Aaron walked into the

rare for you

don’t act dumb. You should know our purpose

to Caspian. We

“That’s right!”

of Naporia’s Eight Noble Lineages. You can’t run

and went straight to the

smiled sarcastically, and his expression turned grim.

guys insist on pleasing Caspian Lynch. What does that have

that, they

to interrupt! Do you have the final say on the Zann family?” Georgie said harshly.


not knowing how to answer the

off!” Vermont

“You guys are right. I’ll contribute 20 million

the others looked at

we won’t continue to bother you. I



away 20 million dollars for nothing? This matter has nothing to do with us!” Aaron asked

million dollars at

slapped Aaron’s face. This stupid son of his disappointed him

If we don’t spend 20 million dollars, the Zann family will be the first to

speaking, he turned and


his fists.

like he wanted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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