Chapter 273 Countless Sins


“Dad!” shouted Billy as he witnessed Wylie being ganged up

The Mahayan Pavilion’s men had already lost their spirit.

They began to retreat after losing their ground, and some had even given up on resisting and just surrendered.

Wylie’s expression turned for the worse as he witnessed the tide on the battlefield turning against him.

He realized that losing these remaining elite members of Mahayan Pavilion would spell the end of its existence.

Mahayan Pavilion would cease to exist within Diatoran.

“Are you still trying to resist, Wylie?” asked Melvin as the rest of the men watched.

Wylie struggled to stand up as he faced the men and shouted, “Do whatever you want with me. I’ve lost. But I would never surrender to the likes of you, Melvin!”

He had already mentally prepared himself for certain death.

His life began to flash before his eyes, starting from his teenage years dawdling around Diatoran, joining Galecrest in his 30s, and helping Mahayan Pavilion to make a name within Easton in his 50s.

Then, he became the master of Mahayan Pavilion in his 60s. He also recalled the subsequent eradication of Celestial Sanctum.


Wylie and Melvin had been enemies for as long as he could remember, and he felt nothing but anger for losing to someone he had once defeated.

He would rather face certain death than kneel before Melvin.

Melvin smiled. “Who do you think you are, Wylie? You’re not even worthy even for me to dirty my hands. I’ll leave your fate to Mr. Lynch!”

Wylie was surprised. “What? Even Caspian is here?”

“Greetings, Mr. Lynch!” roared Melvin.

knelt down in respect and

The heads of the Eight Noble Lineages, along with all of their men, knelt down in shouted in unison, “Greetings, Mr. Lynch!”

The sound of a rumbling engine could be heard from above.

toward the pitch–black darkness to find a helicopter hovering


helicopter soon touched the ground, and Caspian walked out wearing

moment, Caspian became the star of the show.

had their attention directed to him alone.

a cold and calm expression as if he was here to bring an end to

was Sylvia, along with

were all donning

and his body began to shiver as

emanating from his body had rendered him numb.

the eyes

center of the crowd, the heads of the Eight Noble Lineages, along with Melvin and their

had dared to look Caspian straight in the

you know of all the

not committed any sinful

Caspian remained silent.

the law, committed all sorts of criminal activities, and terrorized the citizens of Easton. You’ve even let your own son run wild and cause harm to

expression turned for the worse as he listened


back was thoroughly drenched in sweat as all the sins

“Just kill me, Caspian!

Caspian to just kill him right then and there rather

out for someone like you who had committed countless sins, and killing you would only unnecessarily dirty my own hands. I’m ashamed of the fact that garbage like you exists


was filled with despair as he


realized that Caspian wanted to crush his reputation rather

hand at his men and ordered, “Arrest and hand him over to the Inspector General’s office for appropriate

of the special force members walked

to face everyone else.

heads of


to panic as they silently awaited their judgment.

remained silent with a smile

the crimes the Eight Noble Lineages had committed, but he couldn’t care less so long as the lives of the common

for Diatoran if he decided to kill everyone standing before him

a power vacuum.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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