Chapter 413 Blood–Stained Stairway to Enlightenment

Nixon and Gilbert couldn’t catch up to Caspian at all.

Caspian stood still at the peak with his body completely drenched in sweat.

He felt as if he had just been baptized by his own sweat, blood, and tears.

Climbing up the Stairway to Enlightenment was akin to going through a difficult test.

Only th


man standing at its peak could be declared the strongest!

At the same time, the immense pressure was finally lifted from Caspian’s body.

Caspian seemed like a king as he proudly looked at the crowd below from the top.


“How could he possibly reach the top before us?”

Both Gilbert and Nixon were agonizing over their loss.

They had lost to Caspian despite using all their might.

The two of them were seething with anger.

“Seems like I’m the winner!” said Caspian as he picked up all three valuable herbs off the floor.

Both Nixon and Gilbert were so furious by the outcome that they collectively spat out a mouthful of blood.

They both considered themselves strong and yet they both lost to Caspian fair and

The humiliation Caspian dealt them finally pushed them past the edge.

“Listen to me, my TMAA brothers! Kill them all!”

“Shadow Gate, attack!”

Both Nixon and Gilbert issued their commands at once.


The abnormal pressure emanating from the Stairway to Enlightenment gradually died down ever since Caspian reached the peak.

Both of them took the opportunity to claw up to the peak.

“Protect Caspian! He’s finally reached the top!” shouted Sylvia.

Hundreds of armored soldiers rushed over to clash against their enemies.

“Shit! Caspian’s men are coming!”


up or Caplan’s going to get his hands on the

and the

down at the crowd below from the peak, and it reminded him of ants going to

forces were truly mere ants that didn’t require his

my armored battalion!” ordered Campian.

armored soldiers as they charged

was soon painted red with blood,

by daggers as they could only watch

now was to reach the top

they could

would be

was completely one–sided as the armored battalion was nearly

up here, Sylvia!” shouted Caspian.

“So long, losers.”

his men

minutes later, Sylvia and her men finally reached the top

stone stairway

spent a lot

however, seemed to be at ease after the climb compared to the others. He didn’t resemble

waved his hands and said, “Mr. Stewart Senior, let’s

step away, he wanted to secure it before thinking about anything else.

their men, he could always

of them let out a sigh of relief as they watched Casplan lead the charge

they wanted to go in as well, they had no choice but to wait for

be a futile effort if they went inside

+15 BONI

later, Fabian, Horace, and the rest

drenched in sweat. They had already used up all

bunch of losers!” said

his own subordinates were truly useless.

currently had only a thousand

had only around five

been through heavy losses by the time they reached the

up to Nixon and asked, “Head elder, are you

scolded, “You bastard! Who

five thousand men with him when he departed from

thousand was all

bad about

remained quiet as he held onto his

may just kill him right then and there if he tried to

much better after looking at his miserable

should we do now? We’ve already lost too many of our men. I

what Nixon was

common enemy if they wanted to retrieve. the Eldorian Scroll

loud as he turned to face

martial artists.

had similarly arrived at the peak of the Stairway to Enlightenment with no energy

sight of

your resources to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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