Chapter 440 Downfall of the Traditional Martial Arts Association


After Caspian finished speaking, he picked up the landline on Willow’s desk.

“Yes, is this the receptionist? Tell everyone in the company that Ms. Stewart will be busy for the next two hours. No one is allowed to come to her office. Anyone who does will be fired on the spot!”

After ending the call, Caspian smirked at Willow and said, “You have nothing to worry about now.”

“Hubby, you’re… so annoying..

Willow didn’t expect Caspian to do what he just did.

She felt so embarrassed.

“Wait a minute. Why did you say I’ll be busy for two hours?” Willow asked puzzledly.

Clearing his throat, Caspian replied, “Isn’t two hours the average amount of time? Anyway, let’s get started. We haven’t done it in the office before…”

He scooped Willow into his arms, and soon, their passionate embrace heated up the office.

“You were such a brute just now, hubby. Look! You ripped my clothes. I’d be mortified if someone saw this,” Willow shyly grumbled as she adjusted her outfit.

Caspian had been in too much of a rush earlier.

Willow never thought she’d be having sex in the office either, though she had to admit it felt different from doing it at home–it was quite thrilling.

“Why don’t we try something new next time?” Caspian suggested with a chuckle from his seat on the couch.

Willow’s breath hitched. What did he mean by that? Were there other ways to do it?

Ace made it back to the TMAA’s headquarters. The moment he arrived, he announced that he would be going into seclusion for a while and wouldn’t be seeing anyone.

At the same time, the news of the TMAA’s crushing defeat had spread all over Dhord City.

All the remaining members of the TMAA were living in fear.

Lately, Morrison Group went into a frenzy and bought over the TMAA’s businesses at absurdly low prices.


TMAA refused, Morrison Group seized the businesses by

TMAA, Ace didn’t show himself in public, and barely any of the

as dead since

grudge against the TMAA

TMAA, Ace’s expression hardened as he coughed up a

was pale, and his

through gritted teeth.

going through its

the past few days, but he was so preoccupied with his own condition that he didn’t have the strength to care about anything else.

the verge of crumbling apart gave Ace the urge to

low thud of footsteps rang out.

around and

man wearing a cloak and a veil

moment he

a supreme grandmaster and the chairman of the TMAA, Ace

name Lange. He didn’t even know the person’s full name and merely addressed him

Ace to expand the TMAA’s influence to gain full control over Diatoran’s martial arts world.

now, the TMAA was at risk of being eliminated for good. “Did Mr. Lange send you here

was. Besides, he was no longer of any use to the latter. Thus, there was no reason to

sure you understand what Mr. Lange is like-”

roared, “Well, get on with it, but I won’t be giving in without a


man chuckle in a way that sent chills down

but since you’ve tried your



your failures.”

that so?” Ace said doubtfully. He didn’t believe Mr. Lange would be

you. You’ll

you? Do you want me to abandon the TMAA?” Ace

the TMAA to stick

The TMAA was nothing but an empty shell now.

giving up just like that. He spent decades building the

is Mr. Lange’s decision,” the

he clenched his jaw and said, “Alright!

He was doomed if he stuck around here.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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