Chapter 481 Take Them Away

“I have nothing to talk about with you! You seem like a decent human being yet you’re targeting women who are alone. Aren’t you ashamed of your actions?” Macy said unabashedly.

“You… Your words are too harsh! You have no manners at all!” The man in the suit was

somewhat speechless. He couldn’t tolerate her insults.

“Well, who’s the one shamelessly disturbing me? Do you think I’m unaware of your disgusting thoughts? You’re a guy with a filthy soul!” she said coldly.

Hearing this, the man was stunned and rendered speechless.

He could only lower his head and quickly leave the scene.

Meanwhile, Willow and Zoey ordered a bottle of red wine and some snacks.

They also attracted a lot of attention.

Beautiful women like them in a bar would undoubtedly raise some intentions.

A robust man with a gold watch and gold teeth approached them with a smirk.

“Hey, beautiful ladies, can I sit here and have a little fun with you two?”

His gaze remained fixed on Willow’s and Zoey’s beautiful legs.

When they saw Golden Teeth approaching, the two ladies looked at him with disdain.

“Get lost. We’re not interested,” Zoey said, glaring at him.

“It’s boring if it’s just you two. Let’s have a drink together and play some games,” Golden Teeth said with a sly smile.

“If you continue to be like this, don’t blame us for being impolite,” Willow said, annoyed.

However, Golden Teeth still had no intention of leaving. “It’s dangerous to not have a man around to protect beautiful girls like you!”

“Please leave immediately. We don’t want to see your face anymore,” Willow announced


“Come on, let’s dance!” He extended his hand, trying to grab Willow.

Instantly, Willow raised her hand and slapped him.

She was the CEO of Southlake Corporation. How dare he try to take advantage of her?

Golden Teeth was stunned by this.

lay a hand on him,

noisy, many



Zoey saw this, she felt a sense

to deal with.

dare you hit me!” Golden Teeth roared as he regained his senses.

bad mood today. Please

people who visited bars like this. Moreover, Golden Teeth had a tattoo on his arm, which showed that he wasn’t easy to deal

was better to apologize

Do you think by apologizing, everything will

do you want?”

me for a drink. Otherwise, don’t blame

a plan. Once he got the two beautiful women drunk, he could do whatever

see such beauties in the

Willow pulled Zoey and

Golden Teeth’s subordinates stopped

taken aback by this.

looked fierce and not easy



accompany me tonight, don’t even think about leaving!”

on?” his subordinate

name was Johnny Moo. He had a good reputation in the area as he protected the

Boys, what do you think I should do?” Johnny

living? How dare you hit Johnny!”

Johnny well and

Or we’ll lose our

subordinates voiced out.


that? I really don’t want to trouble you, but my subordinates aren’t willing to let this matter go. You’d better be sensible and

moment, Willow and

he were here, these thugs wouldn’t dare to be

as Caspian was with her, she didn’t have to worry


Willow to

women like Willow were easy

situation became tricky.

Speak up!” Johnny was irritated.

the commotion, but they were already used to such incidents.

a slender and

It was Macy!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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