Chapter 524 Assassination

Willow and Zoe had just learned of the chaos out in the streets and decided not to leave the house.

Some of the protestors had even found out about Caspian’s address and began to surround Riverside Villa.

Caspian had already assigned some of his armored soldiers to serve as Willow’s bodyguards, and they were keeping the protestors at bay.

One of the leaders shouted, “Bring Caspian to us now! We need an explanation!”

“Come out, Caspian!”

“Get the hell out, you good–for–nothing!”

“You coward, get out of the house!”

The crowd continued to shout from outside Riverside Villa.

The leader changed his chants. “Caspian is the Diatoranian God of War and yet he won’t lead his men into battle. He’s more like the Diatoranian God of Disgrace!”

The crowd followed along and chanted in unison, “Caspian is the Diatoranian God of Disgrace!”

Willow and Zoe remained inside the house. They were frightened by the noise coming from outside.

They never expected that the public would dare to ridicule and insult Caspian even though he was the Diatoranian God of War.

Caspian had just left the city yesterday under the protection and glamor of a fleet of tanks. And yet his reputation with the public had completely shifted within a single night.

Willow was expecting that she would garner even more respect after Caspian’s true identity was revealed. She never expected that a protest would break out. instead.

The leader of the armored battalion shouted, “Leave, now! Anyone trying to cause trouble will be dealt with accordingly!”

The armored soldiers wouldn’t tolerate any troublemakers as they were assigned to protect Caspian’s house and his wife.

The leader of the protestors shouted, “You’re soldiers, aren’t you? What are you


“Yeah! You should be on the battlefield, not here!”

are already outside our borders! And yet you’re

us! Or we’ll

rush inside Riverside Villa

leader of the armored battalion didn’t dare to forcefully remove the protestors

no other choice but to

now that Southlake Corporation office

happening outside in the city and decided to stock up on

was none other than a man named Tom, who

City. He had long been interested in courting Miranda and

you following me? I’ve already told you

no man other than Caspian could be worthy

“It takes time for feelings to blossom.

from the

her outside as she entered the supermarket.

came out with her groceries, she was met with an SUV stopping right in front of

pair of burly hands came out from within

that she couldn’t even react in


car immediately sped off, turned a corner, and disappeared into the traffic. after Miranda

asked, “Who are you people?

in black replied, “Shut the hell up! Any noise and

help!” Miranda shouted with all

that she didn’t heed his advice, the man in black immediately knocked her out

continued to wait for Miranda for a long time and eventually grew anxious. He didn’t even notice the SUV.

man dressed in black approached Tom and patted him on the shoulder. “Come with me if you wish

around and was startled to find a foreigner talking to him. He took a good look and realized that the man in black was

you?” Tom

Come with me if you want

sensed danger. “What do you mean? What did you

“Enough chatter. Juster

you wish to rescue

he was worried that Miranda

man in black pointed at the BMW next to him. “Get in the car.”

“Did you kidnap Miranda or

me and you’ll get to see your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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