Chapter 529 Investigating the Mastermind

In the evening, the agitated protestors were still voicing their disapproval of Caspian.

The protest gradually grew more heated as more and more protestors joined the crowd gathering in the streets of Southlake City.

Task Force Rose had spent the day investigating the protest leaders within Southlake City.

Laina issued her orders to immediately kill the protest leaders in order to stabilize the situation in the city.

She also ordered her team to capture a few of them alive in order to extract information.

Task Force Rose split up into multiple smaller groups and began their mission. They sneaked into the crowd and hunted their targets.

The team members weaved through the crowd and silenced the leaders with skillful movements.

Suddenly, multiple corpses were found across the streets. And the crowd was left utterly confused by how it even happened.

News of the individuals who led the protest against Caspian being mysteriously killed had struck fear into the crowd.

The crowd’s passion died down in an instant.

Because of herd mentality, most citizens were just there on the street to join in

the fun.

Now that the protest leaders were killed, they immediately realized that slandering the Chief Commander of Diatoran was a major crime.

The crowd immediately returned home and stopped protesting, worried they might be killed next.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Southlake City, Laina stood atop a hill with a calm expression.

A few SUVs soon arrived and stopped right beside her.

Four male protest leaders were brought over by the members of Task Force Rose.


They had kept the four of them alive in order to extract additional information.

The four men were panicking as they found themselves brought into the wilderness.

tell that something bad was

for?” Laina asked as she scanned through the


other, and none had

hesitating because they were loyal. They were simply afraid they would be of no use after giving


realized they might still have a chance to–live so long as they remained silent.

you one more time. Who are you working

four men were frightened as they looked

“Would you let us go if we tell

who tells me everything leave this place alive. Just one of you, though. You guys can

was very effective in ordinary folks to have them rat out the truth for their own survival.

leader of Task Force Rose, she was well–trained


choice never mattered as all these four men would only meet their end

mercy for them in the

men into a frenzy as they

“I’ll say it!”

wait! I’ll tell you everything. Everything!”

it. I’ll say it! We’re working for

gunshots sounded just before the man could spill

all four men were

the rest of her team members


people hiding in the

followed as the four men

to counterattack! Laina ordered as she pulled out

Task Force Rose immediately retreated to find cover as they carefully scanned the

Laina ordered as she noticed movement



man emerged, standing up

rang out as the survivor was focused and fired upon

they resumed another round of attack just to

and check,” Laina ordered.

of the team carefully

entered through the bush to find three

while he tried to escape, it would total up to four men

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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