Chapter 539 Urgent Situation

“In my opinion, you only need to deploy one corps. Your forces can join Ferb to be on standby at the airport for Lord Caspian!” Benjamin suggested.

Dax was somewhat surprised. Unexpectedly, Benjamin’s idea matched Stephen’s.

“I’m a bit worried. One corps might not withstand Quinton’s army. He has a massive force of 200 thousand soldiers!” Dax urgently stated.

“But you cannot abandon the West Aridlands border. Once you lose too many forces, you won’t be able to withstand Filren’s invasion,” Benjamin said.

Dax also knew that Benjamin’s reasoning made sense. But what if the plan failed? Wouldn’t he be a criminal?

“It’s indeed challenging, but I can hold on for a while. However, for now, we must secure the airport. Only then Lord Caspian can land safely, and Quinton won’t be able to leave Diatoran,” Dax said.

“How about deploying two corps? This way, it won’t affect the situation in the West Aridlands and will ensure enough forces to defend the airport.” Benjamin offered a suggestion.

“Alright! I’ll give the order immediately!” Dax said before he hung up the phone.

He immediately dispatched two corps to head to West Aridlands Airport and assist Ferb.

West Aridlands Airport.

After Ferb had seized control of the airport and set up the defense, Jake charged toward them with his forces.

As soon as they faced each other, a fierce battle erupted.

Fortunately, Ferb was well-prepared, and Jake was no match for him.

Since both were general officers, their forces were also similar in size.

However, despite Jake’s prolonged attack, there was no progress. This news quickly reached Quinton’s ears.

“Idiot! Jake is useless! After attacking for so long, he can’t even win!” Quinton angrily exclaimed.

“General Hans, the West Aridlands Airport is a crucial location. What should we


general officer. He only has 100 thousand soldiers. Send someone to kill him, and all is

about our betrayal. They should know that the King

With our limited forces, we can’t spare anyone to kill Ferb!” an adjutant

my troops to eliminate Ferb! As long as

Quinton didn’t hesitate at all. He immediately assembled his

two corps dispatched by Dax had arrived at

West Aridlands War Zone,

squad of his troops

two corps under Dax

treacherous, making it hard for them to

at West Aridlands Airport, Ferb had defeated Jake’s forces. But just as he thought he could catch a breath, Quinton arrived

intense battle, they now had to face

general. Hence, his soldiers were elite with advanced

Hence, confronting Quinton

too many people. We’re no match for

all costs! Otherwise, the King will be taken away. Before Lord Caspian

was going to leave here

gave a


soldiers were fired up after hearing

that Caspian was about to arrive in West Aridlands and that backups were also

War, one of the Five War

as Caspian appeared, there was no battle they couldn’t

soldiers now had hope and began to fight courageously.

important to a

set up defenses near the airport, coupled with

forces off guard.

underestimated. They used a lot of missiles

felt a pang of

all citizens of Diatoran. They’re the soldiers of Diatoran. But because of Quinton, we have to fight

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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