Chapter 541 A Bloody Fight

“Commander Massey, could this be a trap set up by Caspian Lynch? He knew of our insufficient manpower at Tenby Passage but insisted we fight against the enemy’s 200-thousand-strong army.

“This is mission impossible-a David and Goliath battle!” a subordinate lamented.

Logan asserted, “The King is in trouble. I’ll save him even if it costs me my life.”

“But Commander Massey, why would you stay loyal to the King after he exiled you to the border?

“If we face off the enemy now, only death awaits us. Why don’t we surrender and pledge allegiance to Filren?” the subordinate suggested.

“You jerk! I might be in exile, but I’m still a Diatoranian at heart. I’m no traitor! One more word from you, and I’ll make you suffer!” Logan bellowed.

The subordinate quivered fearfully and promptly shut up.

At the same time, Logan couldn’t help but wonder if Caspian was truly his son. After a two-decade search, he finally got hold of some clue not long ago.

Quinton Hans urgently led his men to Tenby Passage, but along the journey, they were pursued by around ten enemy fighter jets.

Stunned by the situation, his subordinate gasped in panic. “General Hans, they’ve caught up with us. What do we do next?”

“Proceed at the quickest speed to Tenby Passage. The fighter jets won’t attack us since their King is in our hands!” ordered Quinton.

At that moment, his priority was to keep the morale high.

“Roger that!”

Their sole hope lay in reaching Tenby Passage. Although the fighter jets refrained from attacking Quinton’s men, their presence exerted constant pressure.

Upon arrival, the army at the passage had fortified

and I’ll make sure you’re granted a dukedom!”



The Massey family has faithfully served the royalty for generations. We will never betray our country!” Logan retorted from

and your King is in my hands. Your country is no more. You should switch

sin now by holding the King hostage. I’ll promise you a dignified death if

with your measly ten thousand men? We have a 200-thousand-man

threat because he commanded ten times the amount of soldiers than Logan. All he needed to do was to

been tailing him. He worried that Caspian had arrived

to be caught in a

nonsense. I, Logan Massey, would rather die than join you in your treachery. You want to pass through Tenby Passage? Over my dead body!” Logan had chosen to delay Quinton’s

you refuse to play nice, let’s go, boys! Take the

wasn’t about to waste more time

the orders. At that moment, 200 thousand men

defend Tenby Passage. Charge,

with bullets raining all over the place. Some Tenby

at Tenby Passage shook the ground.


the dawn broke, the King watched Logan fearlessly command the

Massey is a loyal man,” the King remarked emotionally.

man would have surrendered in the face of the enemy, but Commander Massey seems ready to sacrifice.

misunderstood them,” the King added with a tinge of

attacks on East Aridlands, as the reinforcements hadn’t arrived.

about Quinton Hans’ treason and the King’s abduction in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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