Chapter 545 Rescuing the King

Screams akin to a pig being slaughtered echoed through the air.

Those who had attempted to shoot Caspian fell to the ground, riddled with bullets.

Macy seized the moment and led the armored battalion in a swift takedown of

these assailants.

Macy and the armored battalion were rigorously trained sharpshooters.

They had closely watched Quinton’s men. They knew a moment’s delay could jeopardize Caspian.

Despite the proximity to the rebels, Macy and her team were confident in their marksmanship, ensuring Caspian remained unharmed.

Their primary goal was to save Balthazar, but they had to make sure Caspian remained unscathed.

Caspian withdrew his bloody Diatanium dagger.

Quinton’s blood gushed wildly.

The dagger was already stained with blood. It now bore a sinister crimson hue.

Quinton’s body fell straight to the ground.

The sudden turn of events left everyone in shock. No one had anticipated Caspian would storm the enemy lines alone and claim their lives so directly.

With Quinton slain, the rebels holding Balthazar were thrown into disarray.

Macy had already led the vanguard out.

They employed their most lethal tactics to wipe out the rebels.

Finally, Balthazar was saved!

“Your Majesty, I apologize for the delay in your rescue. Please, punish me as you see fit!”

Caspian, Macy, and the armored battalion all knelt in submission.

“Rise, all of you. You have endured much. Rest assured, your efforts will be

rewarded,” Balthazar announced.

Your Majesty!” they responded in

armored battalion


his men realized resistance was futile

Your Majesty,

thousand rebels cried

Caspian did not immediately address the rebels. Instead, they let them kneel

was now safe.

Quinton’s bloodied corpse.

the walls of Tenby Passage. It was his actions that led our soldiers to

“Understood!” Lyndon nodded.

severed Quinton’s head.

head to the

Logan opened the

and the garrison troops knelt before the Balthazar. “The Tenby Passage garrison is at your

of you. The garrison of Tenby Passage

Logan and the troops behind him chorused.

how shall we deal with Quinton’s allies?” Caspian

no mercy,” Balthazar declared

Balthazar’s decree, Quinton’s confidants trembled with fear.

Majesty, please

had no choice,

us for disobedience. Please, give us a chance to serve faithfully henceforth!”

allies pleaded desperately.

betrayal and caused countless innocent soldiers to shed their blood in vain, and the entire garrison was wiped out because of


stand? Execute them here

had no intention of sparing Quinton’s closest

have betrayed their country if they

principle of trusting those

making them kneel


mercy on us, Your Majesty!”

had no choice, Your Majesty!”

in the face

put an end to their pleas, leaving them lifeless on

sight filled the hearts of the

outcome Balthazar wished for. It was to awaken the conscience

allies dead, the leaderless rebels could no longer resist.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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