Chapter 563 Ambushing the Enemy

When Ernest received the order from Filren’s army command center, he was informed of Cassius’ surrender as well..

“How pathetic! Cassius had over 100 thousand soldiers, but he couldn’t even last four hours. If he had held on just a little longer, we could’ve ambushed Caspian!” Ernest snapped in agitation.

“Sir, Cassius’ defeat has thrown a wrench into our plans. What should we do now? “a deputy general asked.

“The command center has given us their order. Caspian has only just claimed that base. We’re going to attack him and take it back!” Ernest declared.

“But General Latham couldn’t hold out against Caspian’s attacks despite having set up a base there. It seems unlikely that we can win against the Diatoranian God of War,” the deputy general cautioned.

“Silence! Why are you speaking so highly of your enemy? Caspian and his troops had a long journey, and they had been fighting for over ten hours. I’m sure they’re exhausted right now. We can definitely crush them if we attack them now!

Ernest declared with conviction.

“You’re right, sir. We should be arriving at Diatoran’s border in about 45 minutes. Since Caspian and his troops have just gone through an intense battle, they wouldn’t be able to withstand our attacks,” the deputy general replied.

“That’s right, and don’t forget. We’ve sent an ambush team over to West Fortress Gorge. If they take control of the area, we can come at Caspian from Diatoran’s side, too,” Ernest said with a chuckle.

“That’s brilliant, sir! I’m sure this would catch Caspian off guard!” The deputy general gushed with praise.

“Tell everyone to move at top speed. We must reach Caspian and his troops and defeat them before they have time to rest!” Ernest instructed.

“Yes, sir!”

Back at the border of West Aridlands, Macy was reporting to Caspian.

“The base has been completely destroyed. We can’t repair the defensive structures under such short notice, and the enemy’s reinforcements should be arriving soon. It’s said that Filren has sent General Ernest Maher to lead the



“I got it,” Caspian said with a nod.

thought of a way to

big army with him. We have a high chance of success,” Caspian said confidently.

Lord Caspian?” Macy asked curiously.

an ambush near the border. We’ll

right away!” Macy said before turning

fixing the defense. fortifications here first. There’s still enough time.

say, “You are indeed an incredible strategist, Lord Caspian. Everything is going according to your plan. I am truly in

result of everyone’s teamwork and efforts. I didn’t defeat the enemy

may, Lord Caspian, there’s no denying you have achieved a great feat. You cleared all obstacles along the way, and as soon as you arrived in West Aridlands, you turned the tides around for us. You are a

only relax a little when the entire Filrenian army has been defeated. We can’t

our next move?” Dax asked.

known that we deployed troops from West Fortress, so they would undoubtedly besiege

thousand soldiers to

Dax queried.

Gorge to

will be in a lot of danger if the enemy manages to get past

should we do,

called out.



the West Fortress Commander,

let the enemy get their way! We can’t afford any mistakes!” Caspian commanded.

“Yes, sir!”

behind. That way, with the help of the soldiers standing guard at West Fortress, you can cage the Filrenians in on both sides and

Caspian instructed.

“Will do, sir!”

led his troops back to

Ernest Maher and his army will be arriving soon. If you let Toby and his troops leave now, we’ll be even less equipped to handle the

We must hold onto it at all costs!

Dax said.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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