Chapter 578 Caspian’s True Intention

The others remained silent after hearing what Caspian said.

What he said made sense. The leader of the enemy’s troops was personally leading the battalion. Caspian should also be able to do it since he was the

Diatoran God of War.

“Robert and Viktor are both known as the invincible Champions. This is the perfect opportunity to fight it out!” Caspian said.

“Lord Caspian, I’m willing to go to Southlake City with you,” Benjamin said.

“There’s no need to. You should just stay and command the battle at South Aridlands,” Caspian rejected his offer.

“Lord Caspian, even you’re going to the front line when you’re the head of the Five War Gods. So why can’t I?” Benjamin asked.

“If both of us leave the South Aridlands War Zone, who will be here to command the battle when something goes wrong?” Caspian asked.

“Roger that. I’ll obey your instructions.” Benjamin nodded, not daring to go against Caspian’s wishes.

Then, Benjamin asked again, “When do you plan to make the move?”

“Time waits for no man; I’m going now,” Caspian said.

“I’ll have a VIP car send you to Southlake City,” Benjamin said.

“There’s no need. I’ll just go there in the armored vehicle,” Caspian refused the offer once again.

“Take care, Lord Caspian!” Benjamin said.

“I hope you can do a good job in commanding the battle in South Aridlands,” Caspian said before leaving the command center.

Benjamin, John, and the others ran after him.

They were preparing to send Caspian off.

Caspian actually had something else in mind when he proposed to go down to Southlake City in person.

He knew very well that the plan to rescue Alicia was very difficult and that he would have to confront Robert head–on when the time came.


with him to compete

he could not

the others would definitely raise

was why Caspian thought of this plan.

to Southlake City, no

the armored soldiers were waiting for him

Southlake City with me,” Caspian said as he looked at Macy

and the


to do, they would not ask

Stewart family was restless over the captivity of Alicia

as well. How are

only option left is to find Willow. She might be

right! Willow is Caspian’s wife. She would definitely know where Caspian is now,” Melinda said. She had a moment of sudden realization.

you guys forgotten? Willow no longer has anything to do with our family. Do you think

might not hold a grudge against us over such trifling matters. Alicia and Henry are in grave danger now. If Caspian finds

Willow and have her pass the message to Caspian,” Donald said eagerly.

her,” Carl said

had not gone to sleep. When she saw her father’s

answered it immediately.



matter, Dad?” Willow asked.

bad news,” Carl

it?” Willow

have fallen into the hands of the

happen? Didn’t they already leave Southlake City?” Willow asked in a

Nevertheless, she was not a heartless person. Even though the

happened. Anyway, they’re all at the Hudson residence. They’re being held

They’re at the Hudson residence? What’s going on?” Willow

a banquet for Robert, but Alicia and Henry were both captured in the end.” Carl ended up revealing everything he knew about the incident.

was stunned when

had actually fallen

in calling

Willow, can you talk to Caspian and ask him to come forward to rescue

encrypted satellite phone.

you now. If Caspian doesn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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