Chapter 593 Exposed


At this moment, at the Archer residence, Viktor’s guards were surveying the

surroundings. They saw a dent in the wall from being blasted but found nothing unusual.

They didn’t notice any suspicious individuals around.

So, the guards quickly returned to their positions.

They feared that any unexpected incidents might happen, especially an

assassination attempt on Robert.

Hearing the explosion, Viktor and the Archer family members walked out of the living room to investigate.

“What’s going on?” Viktor asked.

“Report! There was an explosion outside just now!” said the leader of the guards. “What? Was it a bomb?” Viktor inquired.

“It seems so. We checked the area but found no suspicious person,” replied the leader.

“Increase the number of guards on patrol. We must keep the villa safe,” ordered Viktor.

“Understood!” The leader nodded.

After a few minutes, Kenzie arrived with a group of soldiers.

“Who are you people?” a guard asked sternly.

They raised their guns at Kenzie and the soldiers from Vadesia.

They recognized them as soldiers from Vadesia, but with Viktor inside the villa, they couldn’t allow unrelated individuals to approach.

“I’m Kenzie. A spy from Diatoran has escaped. We tracked her here, but she suddenly disappeared. She might’ve entered the Archer residence. I came to inform Champion Viktor!” Kenzie quickly explained.

“We have hundreds of soldiers patrolling here. There’s no way anyone could have entered the villa,” the guard replied.

“What about the explosion just now?” Kenzie asked.


a missile from Diatoran. We’ve checked carefully, and there are no

Maybe you’ve been deceived. That spy might’ve entered the Archer residence. I need to see Champion Viktor and do a

mind worked differently

the guards found

immediately,” said a guard before rushing into the

leader saw the anxiousness of his soldier, he asked, “Who allowed you to leave your post?”

a spy from Diatoran might’ve entered the Archer residence.

to search the perimeters?” The leader’s expression darkened.

I’ll get them to


have any instructions?” the guard

them in,” Viktor said.

let soldiers from Vadesia enter casually,” the guard leader said anxiously.

won’t harm me. If there’s really

hundreds of people patrolling here. How could anyone infiltrate?

was an intentional act by the spy to divert your attention. Although it was a short time, it would’ve been

bring them in right away.” The leader of the guards

went outside and said to Kenzie, “Champion Viktor said you can


leader of the Vadesia soldiers took twenty soldiers with them and entered

Kenzie,” Kenzie politely greeted

spy you’re talking about?”

We have information that she’s from Diatoran’s Task Force

you sure she entered the Archer residence?” Viktor


she suddenly disappeared. It’s very likely that


Kenzie and the soldiers of Vadesia began searching the

a thorough search to see if anyone had infiltrated the villa.

hearing the news, the Archer family

the commotion outside and understood


no choice and


someone had infiltrated the villa, so he was conducting

the room but found

checked under the bed and behind the

he noticed a few drops of blood

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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