Chapter 599 Important Battle

“What’s the situation now?” Viktor asked.

“Sylvia’s and Desmond’s forces are still attacking. Their momentum is

overwhelming, and we can’t fight them off. Caspian, along with his 150 thousand soldiers, is also about to arrive!” the deputy answered.

“How many troops do Sylvia and Desmond have? Why can’t we hold on?” Viktor asked angrily.

just now left everyone in a

“The missile attack panic. No one is in the right mind to battle right now!” the deputy said.

“Stop them immediately. We must hold on and persist until the International. Alliance comes to support,” Viktor shouted loudly.

“Yes!” the deputy replied.

At the Hudson residence, Robert also informed the King of Vadesia about the situation here and reported Caspian’s use of super–large missiles.

Upon learning about this, the King of Vadesia was furious. He also stated that he would seek help from the International Alliance to deal with Diatoran.

Hearing this, Robert breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he could hold on till reinforcements arrived, he had hope.

“Don’t panic, everyone. I’ve already discussed the next steps with the King. Diatoran violated international laws by using super–large missiles, and this has angered the International Alliance. Reinforcements will come to aid us,” Viktor told everyone.

The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief as they heard this.

“As long as the International Alliance comes to our aid, we’ll have hope.”

“Exactly! Diatoran’s super–large missiles have caused the death of our soldiers. This is too inhumane.”

“That’s right. Caspian must’ve resorted to using super missiles out of desperation.”

face joint condemnation from

public was discussing


was an internationally agreed consensus that no super missiles were allowed to be used even in the

hearing Robert’s words. As long as Robert and Viktor were alive, they wouldn’t

likely to accelerate their downfall.

we sought refuge with Champion Robert. Otherwise, we would’ve become homeless refugees,”

to join us,” Robert said with a smile.

Alliance was getting involved,

Alliance, he had

you can help us more in the future, Champion,” Grant said.

rest assured. Since I promised you, I’ll definitely fulfill it. When we acquire Southlake City, your family will

rushed in. “Report! Sylvia and Desmond’s forces have launched

there to panic about!”

lot of men with them, they have the armored. battalion. Not to mention, the soldiers of Diatoran are like madmen. They’re going on a killing spree. We can’t resist at all,” the deputy

that possible? Our troops are well–trained. Why can’t we beat them?” Robert asked with

heavy injuries to us earlier, and our soldiers haven’t recovered yet,” the deputy

comes to support us. By then, we can definitely win!” Robert shouted loudly.

left. There was only a small number


also needed to keep some soldiers around himself.

someone tried to assassinate him, he would be able to save himself.

purposely set traps to lure

deputies immediately ran out.

an intelligence officer rushed

the officer exclaimed in fear.

asked with

into Southlake

200 thousand troops? Where did Caspian gather such

Aridlands War Zone. Along with some

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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