Chapter 605 Battle Between Champions

“What should we do now? We’re defenseless in Southlake City. If the International Alliance doesn’t intervene, we won’t be able to hold out much longer,” Robert said anxiously.

“You’re the Champion of Vadesia. Don’t you have a strategy?” asked the King.

“I may be a Champion, but I don’t have any troops at my disposal right now. Your Majesty, please send troops to help me. That way, I’ll still have some hope,” Robert requested.

“I can’t send any troops now. If I do that, our troops will only die in the face of Diatoran’s hurricane missiles!” the King said.

“But you can’t just stand by and watch me die here! If I lose, Vadesia will suffer heavy losses,” Robert said.

“I have no other choice. We’re thousands of miles apart, and there’s no way I can come to your rescue.”

“Then contact Filren and Estrya. Let them send troops to support. At least they can help me break the siege!” Robert suggested after considering every possible solution.

“Alright, I understand. I’ll contact them immediately.” The King also knew that this was the only option now.

He didn’t want Robert to die in Diatoran either.

The King of Vadesia hung up the phone and began contacting Filren and Estrya.

But these two countries were extremely afraid of Diatoran after the previous battles.

Moreover, Diatoran had hurricane missiles, which made them even more reluctant to intervene.

Although they promised Vadesia, they didn’t send troops.

They weren’t foolish. They knew that the two champions of Vadesia and Astronia had been defeated by Caspian, so they chose not to attack Diatoran.

They decided to wait and see. If Robert and Viktor could eliminate Caspian, they would definitely send/support.

But if Robert and Viktor were unable to defeat Caspian together, the two countries wouldn’t dare to provoke Diatoran anymore.


At the Hudson residence, Robert was pacing back and forth while feeling impatient.

heard any news from Filren or Estrya sending their

that he was in dire

only give

the Hudson family were terrified when they saw that Robert’s troops were about

seems that Robert is going to fail. What should we do? Are we just going to sit here and wait for death?”

so useless! What a bunch of rubbish!”

was defeated, the Hudson

could’ve predicted that this situation would happen? We might as well have fled to Garthram,” Richard

join Vadesia. Otherwise, we would’ve left long ago, and we wouldn’t have ended up in this situation!” Grant couldn’t contain his rage at the thought

only vent all his anger on his

the Hudson family agreed to join Vadesia at the time,” Richard

mistake now when

seems that Allcla’s idea was right. She’s much smarter than

residence, a conversation was

there’s not much left of Vadesla soldiers. Shall we attack now?” Macy


wait a little longer. Everyone, get

of Phoenix Vanguard


would soon be able to fight alongside Lord Caspian, the

and five minutes went by.

soldiers had been rendered

“Phoenix Vanguard, follow me and break

wanted to fight. At Caspian’s order, they eagerly

took the lead and charged into the Hudson


thousand of Robert’s troops left, they

terrified when they

the members of Phoenix Vanguard continuously


enemy soldiers were already scared out of their wits and had lost all their fighting spirit. They just wanted to escape

had undergone special training

couldn’t resist the attack of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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