Chapter 615 Enemy Special Agents

One of the strategic officers asked, “This is indeed an unexpected move. But it’s almost impossible to send a team out of the current encirclement. How do we kidnap Caspian’s wife?”

The crowd’s joy was instantly dampened.

They managed to come up with a great idea, but the current circumstances

prevented them from carrying out the plan.

Caspian may have a weakness, but the Astronian troops couldn’t break out of the encirclement they were in.

Viktor reassured them, saying, “Don’t worry, I have a plan.”

“General, do you still have a team left in the c


“Of course not. But I still have special agents lurking within the city.”

The officers finally recalled that they had planted many special agents throughout Southlake City.

Both Astronia and Vadesia had sent out special agents to infiltrate Southlake City. Gathering them together to launch an attack at Riverside Villa would be the only way they could kidnap Willow.

Caspian’s armored battalion may be powerful, but they could still be


Riverside Villa must not have many troops left stationed nearby. The special agents wouldn’t run into any difficulties once they received their mission.

“What a wonderful plan, General Obrien! I’m impressed!”

“Yeah! I knew that the general had a trick up his sleeve!”

“You’ll be the strongest once we kill Caspian!”

The officers began to praise Viktor.

Viktor replied, “That’s enough. Get in contact with Kenzie immediately and tell him to relay the order to the rest of the special agents to begin the mission.‘

An officer nodded his head and left to contact Kenzie.

Viktor continued, “The rest of you, go back to your positions and continue holding on. Everything will be over once we manage to capture Willow!”


“Yes, sir!”

left the room to

entered the room,

Obrien, your

Valez has been killed, and most of the Vadeslan troops are dead. We’re also in a similarly grave

seems that this may be the

the Archer residence if it was not because he

have been caught

have still survived if he had hidden

worry, I have a

“Oh, really?”

City for a joint operation with my own special agents. Their mission is to

capturing Caspian’s wife have anything to do with

just abandon his wife. We can capture

get it! What a great

and make

course! I’m on it!”

Villa should be relatively weak now. With our forces combined, we can definitely break through their defenses! You have to be quick, as we’re not going to be able to hold on much longer around

gather my

the Vadesian special agents. He ordered them to work together


residence, Caspian was personally leading the charge to take down the Archer family and kill

officer ran up to him. “Lord Caspian, a message from. Captain Laina!”

to hear that Laina was still

“You may speak.”

that Viktor is attempting to

to attack Riverside Villa and capture Lady

did Laina

it’s because she’s hiding

Laina! She truly is

a force of a thousand

“If they want to play like that, we just have

Lord Caspian, you’ve brought the bulk of our forces with you. How

tell her to gather up Task Force Rose

officer immediately left to contact Laina.

of fighters. Even if they were to combine their forces with the 200 armored soldiers, the enemy special agents still have the upper

understood that Willow’s safety was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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