Chapter 631 Expanding National Territory

Upon hearing Balthazar’s words, everyone was in shock. They did not expect. Balthazar to have such ambitions: he wanted to expand the territory of Diatoran!

“Your Majesty, Diatoran is very far away from Vadesia and Astronia. We might be thrown into dire straits if we attack these four countries at the same time!”

“He’s right! Only Estrya is nearer to us. Filren is far away from us, too. We’ll be met with multiple difficulties if we fight countries a long distance away from us.

“Everyone has witnessed the damage brought by the battle held in Southlake City. Now that the situation has finally calmed down, I think we shouldn’t start another war. Otherwise, it’ll bring about a lot of deaths and casualties.”

Several generals expressed their opinions quickly. Everyone found them to be sound. Diatoran still had not recovered from the previous battles, and deploying troops to fight in another war now would be too high a risk.

“The three of them gave sound perspectives. How about the others?” Balthazar asked.

Senior General John Anderson suddenly piped up, “It’s my personal opinion that these four countries harbor nefarious motives toward us. Even if we don’t attack

them, they’ll do so after they regroup and recover.

“I think that this is an opportunity that’s really hard to come by for us. We should make use of the advantageous situation we’re in now after our recent wins and strike and wipe these countries out!”

“We’re in high spirits now, that’s true, General Anderson. Attacking four countries at the same time is still somewhat difficult, though. If they band together against us again, Diatoran might collapse!” a high–ranking official said.

Upon hearing his words, everyone thought about it seriously. Attacking four countries was a bold proposal. A slight misstep and Diatoran would be plunged into a situation beyond saving.

“Your Majesty, Diatoran has just achieved an impressive victory, and we’ve managed to kill Robert Valez and Viktor Obrien. Both Astronia and Vadesia don’t bold a candle to us.

Estrya and Filren are also nothing to worry about. I think that we can embark on a military campaign against these countries and start a war!” Benjamin, the Champion of North Aridlands, said.


a good

retain their resources and power. Their armies are the

about their terrain, the possibility of us defeating them is low. If the battle ends up

has suffered from a great amount of losses. We should regroup and recover internally before doing anything else.”

higher–ups quickly added their opinions.

that everyone had different opinions on the matter. He was also hesitating on that now, and he could

this could or could not be done.

this matter. Attacking four countries at the same time

other in confusion. They all knew of Caspian’s confrontational tendencies–he was unexpectedly calm this time,

because Caspian had been punished by Balthazar because of the magnitude of his heroic

confrontational disposition.

expect you to oppose this, Caspian. Are you afraid?” Balthazar

not a good idea to start a war when Diatoran

people to lose their homes. Should

just let that go,” Caspian

you have, then, Caspian?”

territory to us and pay reparations. We can recover for a while before planning for the future,” Caspian

don’t want to?”


starting a war. After these countries are intimidated, they will

if they aren’t intimidated?” Balthazar was still a bit worried.

be trifled with. What should we do if they aren’t

should just send out our troops. Why go to

a war

go to war. They had discerned Balthazar’s desire–to seize this opportunity to

battle we

the side of justice.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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