Chapter 698 The King’s Great Amicorices

Stany higher–ups nimed to agree with Balthazar ideas

Baltazar noticed that everyone was in agreement same for Caspian, who kept steal the while

“What do you sumit. Caspian?” Balthazar asked

tinkantis in’t doable Tour Majesty, Danocan it fit to start a war now, *Caspian sart

After Caspian spotte, everyone looked at him in shock. The Caspian Lynch, the heit general who had never lost a single care, was afraid of starting a war?

Balifizzer had already taken a step back and made a proposal to defeat these countries one by one, but Caspian vill disagreed with him.

Was Caspian iniment on going against the King’s desire?

“Tell us what you think Caspian Balthazar said, his face dark

The otters present, such as Benjamin and join, had also noticed the expression on Baltazar’s face. They were worried about Caspian If he persisted in singing a different time, Baraza might fy into a ragel

“Even if we’re to start a war against these countries one by one, Your Majesty, fill take a very long time They won’t just wait for us to attack them, too. They’ll ssly help and support one another

Irsatım, it wa’t be against one country. The international Alliance will also see us as a thom in its neck. They’ll surely intervene, and things won’t look grita Vacas in that case,” Caspian stated

“So we just wait for them to attack us? Why can’t we strike first?” Balthazar aked, booking agy.

“We should take our time to reach a decision, Your Majesty. No need to be so basty,” Caspian said

“This is a great opportunity that only comes once in a blue moon, Caspian. You’re the bead of the Five War Gods of Diatoran, but why have you become so besitant to take action now? Balthazar said.

“Your Majesty, I think that our focus should be on assuaging the civilians and rewarding the soldiers who have died and their famili

“We should have the four countries pay reparations first. This is really not a good


aren’t willing to pay reparations? Won’t we have to start

happens. I don’t have any good solutions for that now,” Caspian

don’t want to let the opportunity slip by. If we lose the chance because of your hesitation, it will be hard for

irreconcilable feuds between us and the other countries. Many young men eager to serve their country have died

Your Majesty,” Caspian said, lowering his

greatest honor!” a higher–up said. He did not like Caspian’s

stop talking. We’ll discuss this later.” Balthazar had lost the desire to continue the discussion. Caspian’s constant opposition was very humiliating.

charge. If he, the head of the Five War Gods, disagreed with the decision to start a war, who else could possibly serve as chief commander?

well that Caspian was the most powerful one out of the Five

left the conference room, followed by

discussion about starting a war was left

was the last one to leave the room. His consistent objection

walking alongside him -they would be in trouble, if this ended

some of the higher–ups stayed in the presidential suites on

the others were waiting for Caspian outside, and they walked into

“You and the Phoenix Vanguard are to stand guard in the hotel. You must ensure the


you, Lord Caspian? You need someone else to

about me. You should already know what I’m capable of, shouldn’t you? You just need to ensure

Grand Hotel. This was not to be dismissed lightly, so Caspian treated it with the utmost importance. He

Macy nodded. She dared not neglect

too. They were in charge of guarding

attend to, so Caspian did not ask them to stay in the

Desmond had to deal with the martyrs‘ corpses. Both were extremely important tasks that had

ceremony would be held in a few days, so these tasks had to be completed as soon as possible.

left the hotel in

on opposing the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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