Chapter 635 Believing in Lord Caspian

“Your Majesty, I think you shouldn’t tell Caspian so early on that you want him to be your successor.

“Despite the expectations he’ll have after you tell him about it, he won’t be able to ascend to that high and mighty position so soon. If this goes on for some time, he’ll surely start to harbor ulterior motives,” Jerry said hurriedly.

“Four countries attacked Diatoran this time, and I had to head to West Aridlands alone. In such a dire situation, Caspian is the most suitable person to be king. This is why I’ve told many higher–ups about this,” Balthazar said.

“The enemy troops have been repelled, Your Majesty. To ensure that Caspian does not harbor the desire to commit treason, you can tell him that the matter of who will succeed you will be discussed later on,” Jerry said.

my successor, and

“You’re joking. I’ve already promised Caspian that he’ll be he’s not the only one who knows about it, either. What will the higher–ups think of me if I go back on my promise now?” Balthazar said.

“But what if Caspian really wants to be king earlier? He might really try to overthrow you!” Jerry said.

“That’s enough. Stop. I believe in his integrity,” Balthazar snapped impatiently.

Jerry was going on and on about Caspian, painting him in a bad light.

“You also noticed during the meeting earlier that Caspian was acting strangely. Please reconsider, Your Majesty,” Jerry said.

“We have different opinions, but he’s fought in so many wars and done so many heroic deeds. In this war, we were surrounded by four countries.

“Thanks to Caspian, I was unharmed. He led the charge in many battles and succeeded in repelling the traitors and enemy troops. I would’ve become a prisoner if not for him.

“After that, he killed Robert and Viktor. No one’s achievements can ever compare to his. Personally, I want him to be my successor, but he’s also the most ideal. candidate judging from his achievements and deeds,” Balthazar told Jerry about bis opinion.

“Lord Caspian has achieved glorious achievements in war, Your Majesty, but his presence is too high–profile now. His reputation might even precede yours. What if he doesn’t listen to your command?” Jerry said.


was not

Jerry’s words. The latter Caspian was becoming

great momentum after our victories, so this is a great time to strike. Caspian is the head of the Five War Gods, but he seems to have changed

to sing a different tune from yours, Your Majesty. I think he just doesn’t want you to be the most powerful ruler in the world!

the flames further upon noticing

be my successor aside from him?” Balthazar asked.

either. We still have to observe the other Champions for a while. longer. I think that you should issue a command to Caspian, telling him to start a war. He’ll surely obey your command. If he shows signs

as you

issue a command. I can’t just decide on it

use this to test Caspian, Your Majesty,” Jerry

If I’ve already promised something, I can’t possibly go back on it.

another meeting. Majority wins, so we can start a war if a majority

to dire consequences if he ever wants to overthrow you. You should remove his right to be your successor,” Jerry continued.

twice. Five years ago, he aided me in suppressing the rebellion in Dhord City. When Quinton Hans held me hostage in West Aridlands,

very well go on in that

going to rest.” Balthazar did not want

take my leave now.”


but she doesn’t want to

cold and indifferent?” Donald said

become a traitor.” Melinda

she’ll let her family die for the sake of the greater

becoming the CEO of Southlake Corporation, it’s like she’s become a completely different person. Why would she break off all relations with us

Willow for not helping Henry,”

very surprised to hear that.

she can save Henry just by saying a few words, but she refuses to! Is she not cold and

bit out.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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