Chapter 655 Keeping a Close Watch

“I know. I’m just rushing them on purpose, so they’ll stay focused and be more efficient,” Caspian said.

“Well, you’re Lord Caspian. Since you’ve given the order, I’m sure they won’t slack off. You don’t need to keep calling Laina every few minutes. You’re only making her more stressed,” Willow chided.

Caspian nodded in agreement.

Back at Churron, Fergus and Lacey were still at the hospital.

It was 10:00 pm when Blake finally regained consciousness.

“Mom! Dad! Why can’t I see anything out of my right eye? Am I a disabled person now? I don’t want to live anymore!” Blake wailed.

“Don’t worry, Blake. We’ll find a way to treat your eye,” Lacey promised.

“But the doctor already said that my eye is too damaged. I can’t regain my vision, “Blake wailed again.

“There’s one way to treat you. We just need to get you an eyeball transplant. Don’t worry about this. We’ll find a donor for you,” Lacey assured.

She wasn’t going to tell Blake the truth, of course.

“Stop trying to lie to me, Mom! Who’d donate an eyeball? Plus, it has to come from a living donor,” Blake said.

“You have nothing to worry about, Blake. Your father and I will find a way. Your father has already instructed his people to find the guy who attacked you,” Lacey said.

“That’s easy, Dad. There are surveillance cameras everywhere, aren’t there? You just have to check the footage,” Blake said.

“That’s right. I’ve gotten people to start looking. I’m sure we’ll be receiving the news soon enough,” Fergus said.

“There was a high schooler, too. She was wearing a school uniform. I’m sure you can get to him by tracking her down,” Blake added.

“Don’t worry, Blake. I’ll deal with this. Now, tell me the truth. Why did that guy beat you up?” Fergus asked. He had a feeling Uriah didn’t tell the whole truth,


to hang out. We had a few drinks there. When we were driving back, the storm got too heavy, so

Maybach was damaged, so I wanted them to pay for it, but they said they didn’t have any money, so I got Uriah and Scott


drank a little bit! I didn’t think I’d run into someone! They were riding

peasants riding around on bicycles are such an eyesore. They’re ruining our city’s image,” Fergus

Maybach got damaged, too, so isn’t it normal that I give them a good beating to

of course. Since they couldn’t pay you, they deserved to be taught a lesson,” Fergus agreed.

that?” Lacey

rushing up to us and started beating all

didn’t tell the truth. He couldn’t possibly say that he only got beaten up because he had tried

bastard! What a lowlife!”

said he didn’t care that you’re the real estate tycoon,

I’ll be humiliated if I don’t put him in his place!” Fergus

then, a few men came

Mr. Jessop!” one

to know is their location. Who’s the

an ordinary person. He has a woman with her, Miranda Barton. He’s been trying to woo her. They both fled to Churron, so the

them in.



Lynch. She has a daughter named Cecilia Lynch, who’s studying at Churron High. Sherry rents some farmland where

an impudent fool he is!” Fergus growled through gritted teeth.

like them! No one

northern outskirts of the city. We have

found their location so quickly,” Lacey praised with a smile.

and get them now, Mrs.

Just keep an eye on them first. Make sure they don’t escape,” Lacey

capturing Tom and the others, she needed to find a surgeon she could

could get the surgery done to treat his

was not the right time yet, so

a close watch on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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