Chapter 662 Last Struggle

The tanks escorting the ashes of the fallen were parked within the memorial hill.

Soldiers carefully retrieved the urns and stood in an orderly fashion.

The entire hill was also decorated with wreaths and celebratory banners.

Citizens of Southlake City followed behind the tanks as they reached the outskirts of the hill, ready to see off the fallen soldiers.

They, however, weren’t allowed to enter the memorial hill itself.

They could only remain outside and watch from outside the iron railings.

The citizens could only look at their king from a distance.

All of the soldiers lowered their heads and remained silent for three minutes. Caspian then delivered a speech of condolence as the Diatoranian God of War. The speech would also mark the beginning of the remembrance ceremony. Countless wreaths and banners were brought onto the memorial hill.

Meanwhile, several heavily armored vehicles transporting the traitors also drove into the place.

Inside the car were the Hudsons, the Archers, and Henry. It was time for their execution after they committed treason.

The schedule included executing them by firing squad as a way of appeasing the fallen soldiers.

The Stewarts soon arrived outside the memorial hill. They wanted to head inside to look for Caspian but were stopped by the soldiers at the entrance.

They didn’t dare to cause a commotion, given that the ceremony had just begun. The Stewarts knew that causing trouble now would only anger the king, making pleading for Henry’s life impossible.

All they could do now was patiently wait outside the memorial hill.

The ceremony would take about an hour.

“Bring in the traitors! We’ll gun them down and honor our fallen brothers with their blood!” Caspian shouted.

Following his orders, the armored vehicles drove toward him.


panic as they realized that the execution was about to

upon the crowd. The traitors were horrified as they saw

nothing but soldiers with solemn expressions staring back at

were present as well, such as

to be publicly executed.

once seen the king in the flesh. They would have felt extremely honored to be around

now, Balthazar was there to execute

horrified as they watched

head inside the memorial hill and beg Balthazar for mercy. But with the memorial hill completely surrounded by soldiers, no one dared to

a move.


the Archers were placed in front of the urns

traitors! Do you

were horrified and were unable

his legs were shaking. Growing up, he had always been pampered and had never been in such a horrifying

up his neck, but it

promise to turn over a new leaf for the

the Archers, as well! We will sincerely repent

soldiers had died in battle. fighting off enemies that you had helped bring upon our own land! Do


ever forgive you?

really think we could ever forgive you after what you’ve done?” Grant explained, “We’re innocent, Lord Caspian! We had no choice but to allow the enemies to take over our residence when they invaded Southlake City. We

enemy’s demands! We had no choice but to pretend to defect to the enemies in order to

shouted, “You won’t be fooling me with those lousy excuses of yours! I already found out that you’ve been working

o even

and Lawrence fell

“Lord… Lord Caspian, I understand that we’ve not been on good terms. But as the Diatoranian God of War, you can’t just execute us because of

of the enemy special agents, and began

hand. It would be a disservice not to execute all of you here and now and prevent

“That’s enough, Caspian. You shouldn’t waste any more time trying to reason with them. Execute them

had almost fainted from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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