Chapter 681 The Paratroopers Have Landed

Everyone was stunned by the sight of countless paratroopers landing.

“Aren’t these fighter jets supposed to land temporarily in Churron? Why are people jumping out of them?”

“Exactly! The fighter jets haven’t arrived at the airport yet, so what are these paratroopers going to do after jumping out?”

“It seems that they’re planning to land here!”

“What on Earth is going on?”

Everyone outside the factory started to discuss among themselves as they did not know what was going on.

The Jessop family members inside the factory were also feeling afraid upon seeing this.

“Mom! Look, paratroopers are suddenly leaping out of the fighter jets. You called Grandpa just now, didn’t you? Aren’t those jets supposed to land temporarily in Churron?” Blake asked in confusion.

“I don’t know what’s going on either. Maybe they’re in the middle of a military drill,” Lacey answered.

She was unsure about that too.

“I think something’s not right, darling. Why did the fighter jets just happen to pass by where we are? Why did paratroopers jump out of the jets? Did you not ask the right questions?” Fergus asked.

“Dad’s right! If the soldiers come here and see what’s going on here, they surely won’t just stand there and watch!” Blake said, worried.

Lacey nodded. She found that to be true, and that made her feel anxious at that moment. That was why she planned to call her father again so that she could get some clear answers.

Sherry, Cecilia, and Miranda were extremely surprised to see the paratroopers who appeared all of a sudden. If they could land safely, they would surely put a stop to this.

On a memorial hill in Southlake City, Jerry pocketed his phone as he stood beside the King. At this moment, his phone rang again. When he saw that it was his


daughter who was calling again, he somewhat resignedly went away and took the call.

“What now, Lacey?”

of the fighter jets and landing in

Paratroopers?” Jerry asked,

temporarily in Churron? Why would these paratroopers go the extra mile and jump out

middle of a military drill,” Jerry said calmly.

sudden for it to be part of a military drill.

something that you don’t know about?” Lacey asked.

the commander, so I don’t know much either. These paratroopers are none of your business anyway, so why are you so panicked?” Jerry suddenly

do if they want to do something to me?”

to you?”

am. I’m at the abandoned factory

me! Are you keeping something from me?” Jerry said sternly. He knew his daughter


not!” Lacey denied her

the fighter jets, then? Don’t you worry. Caspian’s the Diatoranian God of War, and he won’t send so many jets after you,” Jerry said. He

fearfully, “Dad, did you just say that Caspian Lynch is

He led a fleet of five fighter jets to

that Caspian was on one of those

of this really a


to rescue Sherry and the others?


jets really headed toward Tigra? Do the soldiers have

say that. The jets were headed toward Tigra,

was confused. Why would Lacey be so worried? Even if those paratroopers were Caspian’s men, it was not any of her

It seems that this is just a coincidence.” Lacey heaved a long sigh

jets were here for a mission.

are you keeping from me?” Jerry asked sternly. He had this constant feeling that

done, “I kidnapped a few people, and they’re in the abandoned factory

news from you!” Jerry asked, annoyed. He found Lacey to be strange today as she kept on asking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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