Chapter 734 Caspian Got Deposed

“Your Majesty, I-” Caspian wanted to explain himself.

“Caspian, you’ve become so arrogant that you’re not taking me seriously. You even dare to defy me in front of all these higher–ups!

“I’m dismissing you from your post today. From now on, you’re no longer a God of War of Diatoran!” Balthazar barked.

Apart from the Andrews family, everyone was in shock and never would’ve imagined Balthazar would depose Caspian.

“Your Majesty, Lord Caspian is a commendable hero of Diatoran! Yes, he defied your order this once, but it’s not that serious of a crime that warrants this!” One of the higher–ups stepped forward to speak up on Caspian’s behalf.

Another higher–up stepped forward. “Yeah! Your Majesty, Lord Caspian may have disobeyed you, but he was only doing it for the greater good of Diatoran! He wanted to contribute to our Diatoran’s grand cause. That’s all.”

“Don’t bother defending Caspian anymore. He blatantly disobeyed my orders. If I don’t punish him strictly and accordingly, others may disobey my orders, too. What power would I, the king, have when that happens?” Balthazar questioned frostily.

That was when Sylvia spoke. “Hasn’t Lord Caspian withdrawn with his soldiers from battle as you ordered him to?”

“It’s too late. Caspian didn’t withdraw immediately after receiving my orders, which means he defied me. I’m merciful enough for not giving him a death sentence!”

Jerry had always served by Balthazar’s side, so he knew the latter’s behavior and speech well. So, although he made Balthazar say appalling words, they were still reasonable.

Another higher–up spoke up then. “Your Majesty, Lord Caspian has achieved great things during his campaign. Many of our soldiers might be upset if we depose him!”

“Yes, Caspian has emerged victorious, but it’s by pure luck. Given his character, he mustn’t be allowed to lead troops into battle again. Otherwise, things might eventually go south!” Balthazar boomed.

The higher–ups no longer dared to speak up for Caspian. They shut their lips

because they sensed the menacing presence of the guards around the hall.

guards were ready to take someone down at any moment.


Lord Caspian is strategic and won battles thousands of miles away. He’s a prodigy who can lead troops

four War Gods can’t compare to him. It’ll be a massive loss to Diatoran if you dismiss Lord

to Caspian? Diatoran possesses many other talented individuals! We can grow stronger

They saw how determined. Balthazar was and could tell he was enraged. They’d likely be in trouble if

higher–ups were intelligent and could tell Caspian had pissed Balthazar

things worsened and instantly stepped up to plead on Caspian’s

still as young and reckless ast before! A person like

one who proposed this campaign! Lord Caspian kept disapproving of dispatching troops before. How can you say he’s young and reckless now?” Sylvia fought

silent when he heard that.

this campaign. So, it didn’t make sense

Balthazar, whom he controlled, didn’t know how to

I never allowed Caspian to lead the soldiers into a

have known Caspian would dare disobey me? Who’ll be responsible

how will I have authority over


Balthazar say these words.

head of the Five War Gods! Not to mention, he’s saved you from grave danger many times. Deposing him would only make the enemies rejoice. Who’ll defend us

and skilled fighter. Who says our country can’t fend

of the Five War

the end, it was Lord Caspian who resolved the problem. Please allow Lord Caspian to keep his position on account of

is it your place to order me around?” Balthazar

the former king of Filren, which is a big

Caspian from his post! If anyone dares beg for mercy on his behalf,

at that moment. He could order Skyarch Palace’s guards to act

happen. After all, others would grow suspicious if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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