Chapter 739 Plans in the Dark

‘Greenton? Who exactly are they?” Caspian asked. He was familiar with a few gangs, but he didn’t know much about Greenton.

Willow and the others didn’t know about Greenton either.

“They were a martial arts gang, and they were skilled in swordplay. They were famous for that,” Tom answered.

“Is that so? I’ve never heard of them,” Caspian said after a pause. “Why did you hide the fact that you’re part of Greenton? Why did you come to Southlake City?”

“They were wiped out overnight. All I could do was seek refuge with some distant relatives.”

“Oh? Just what enemies did Greenton have for them to meet such a cruel fate?” Caspian asked.

“I’ve told Laina about Skyarch Palace. I guess she didn’t tell you about it.” Tom hadn’t intended to hide this from Caspian, so he proceeded to explain everything.

Caspian and the others were shocked after hearing Tom’s story. They hadn’t expected Tom to have such a pitiful backstory.

“What an amazing life story! This is perfect material for exclaimed.

my next book!” Zoey

“Why did Laina fail to mention this? When she comes back, I’ll have a word with her,” Caspian snarled.

“I’m sure Captain Laina thought you were occupied, so she didn’t tell you,” Arial explained.

By the time Laina caught wind of the situation with Skyarch Palace, Caspian had already gone to Dhord City. And by the time he ended his meeting there, Caspian had immediately assigned Macy and her to a mission.

That was why Laina hadn’t told him about Skyarch Palace then. She wanted to investigate the situation before telling Caspian.

“Skyarch Palace is quite the mysterious organization. Do you know who’s behind. them?” Caspian asked.

“No idea, but I think, they want to unify the martial arts world. Didn’t the

Martial Arts Association get decimated? It also seems that Skyarch Palace popped out of nowhere,” Tom


intelligence network should have some information on them,” Caspian

is an enigma. It’s already incredible that he recruited

they have thousands of martial artists. With their numbers, no ordinary organization can

reminded of the guards by Balthazar’s side back at the king’s residence. The presence they exuded

if they had ties with Skyarch Palace.

only making a guess. He didn’t know much

speaking, a martial artist shouldn’t be involved with royalty. However, Caspian was sure of one thing–something

instant so he could begin his investigation into the workings of the

the Black Moon Technique Scroll well. Make sure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands,”

chaos awaited the world if such a powerful

the Black Moon Technique Scroll away. No one but

him. The scroll belonged to Tom, after all. As long as the Black Moon Technique Scroll didn’t fall into Skyarch Palace’s hands, it was not his place

level. If he could get his hands on

suddenly pay

behavior was odd. He wouldn’t have made. such a baffling move in the past

being dismissed as the

to his


nothing and had no feats name either. So, how did he get promoted to advisor?

people here, Caspian didn’t continue discussing this topic.

is not the place to talk about this. It’ll


would be in trouble if Jerry

Majesty will reappoint you one day, Lord Caspian,”

appears once every hundred years, Lord Caspian. Diatoran

another time. And stop calling me ‘Lord Caspian.‘ I’m no longer a War

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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