Chapter 758 Investigation

Jerry explained, “The Masseys lost Caspian 20 years ago while they were on the run. As for what exactly happened, I’ve only heard rumors that it was because some very important person mentioned to the king that the Masseys were plotting to rebel against Diatoran.”

Zane asked, “Dad, do you have any idea on how to prevent Caspian and Logan from reconciling?”

Jerry laughed and replied, “That’s easy. With the king being basically a puppet for us to control, we can just have His Majesty lie and sow discord between Caspian and Logan.”

“What a great idea, Dad!”

Meanwhile, at Riverside Villa, Caspian was already asleep when his phone started ringing.

He picked up the phone and saw that the caller was Laina.

Caspian accepted the call and asked, “Hello, Laina? Why are you calling me at a time like this?

Laina asked, “Sorry to bother you in the middle of the night, but can we talk right now?”

Laina wouldn’t bother Caspian in the middle of the night if not for reporting something very important.

Caspian replied, “Just tell me about it.”

Willow was also woken up by the phone call. She quietly watched from the side as Caspian continued to talk with Laina.

Caspian went straight to business with Laina as he didn’t want to cause any misunderstandings with Willow.

He knew that she was especially sensitive to such matters.

Caspian had nothing to hide, but he didn’t want to cause unnecessary drama with Willow.

Laina reported, “I found out about what happened at the King’s residence during the night he was attacked.”

“What is it?”

“A group of uninvited guests appeared at the residence that night. And all of the guards at the mansion were killed in battle.”

Caspian was shocked.

was still surprised to learn that Laina’s report confirmed it all.


replied, “Task Force Rose has already concluded the investigation. We

It really is

just as Caspian had already guessed, except

right. The Andrews family rebelled against Diatoran when you were

going to kill him!”


noticed just how much

causing trouble because of their difference in personalities. He never expected that the latter would actually be plotting such bold moves behind

or another. More so when he immediately convinced the king to depose you after he

“I knew it! So the king really was being

Balthazar didn’t just ask him for help if he


“But the king seems to be extremely compliant to every

him to do. For example, the peace talk with Filren was all Jerry’s doing.”

you found out what it is that would make the king be so compliant with Jerry?”

been controlling the king.

easy. Jerry’s the king’s trusted advisor, and his sons are

“But Lord Caspian, you still command quite a huge amount of respect among Diatoranian troops. You only

to listen to my every whim.

Filren. But the Filrenian envoy made very excessive

to analyze the current situation. “I feel rather helpless right now. If only I still had my armored battalion with me,

only option we have now is to find out what it is that Jerry had on the king to be able to control him like that.

I’ll try to find out

hung up the call.

then asked, “The Andrews family is holding the king hostage?”

the entire conversation between Caspian and Laina.

furious. “That’s right. I can’t believe

hide anything

dismissed you from your post. It turns

“Don’t worry

Andrews family will face justice

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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