Chapter 795 At a Loss

Concerned about Balthazar’s condition, Jerry immediately rushed back to Balthazar’s bedroom after finishing his exchange with Byron.

By the time he got back, Avon, disguised as Jett, had already completed Balthazar’s health check. Balthazar looked extremely pale.

Startled, Jerry swiftly asked, “Is His Majesty alright, Mr. Dunn?”

“I never thought Caspian would be this vicious! His Majesty has been poisoned, but thankfully, I discovered it in time,” Avon informed with a sigh.

“Is His Majesty’s life in any danger? I’ve assigned doctors to keep an eye on his condition at all times, so why didn’t they detect anything unusual?” Jerry asked in concern.

“As I said, Caspian’s a vicious man. He used a colorless, odorless poison that’s hard to detect. If I hadn’t used life force to check on His Majesty’s condition, the poison would’ve gone undetected. Thank goodness we caught it in time,” Avon said solemnly.

“Tell me the truth, Mr. Dunn. How is His Majesty now?” Jerry questioned. frantically.

“I used life force to quell the poison, so for the time being, His Majesty isn’t in any danger. However, his body is weak. For the time being, you need to avoid using witchcraft on him. Otherwise, it’ll only harm his body further.

“Furthermore, it’s possible that the spell might clash with the poison in his body and fail as a result.”

Jerry felt a little less worried after hearing Avon’s response.

Thankfully, he now held most of the real power in Diatoran. Even without Balthazar, he wielded enough power to get things done.

Although Byron was being rather aggressive, he was clearly hesitant and wouldn’t dare to declare war just yet.

Right now, Caspian was the only person Jerry was concerned about. Caspian was his biggest threat.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done, Mr. Dunn. You look tired. Why don’t you stay the night here at the King’s residence?” Jerry suggested with a smile.

Avon was startled. Not many could enjoy such a privilege.


In any case, Avon was no fool either. He wasn’t going to stick around at the King’s residence any longer than necessary. He’d have to be on his guard at all times.

“I’m nothing but a lowly man, Mr. Andrews. It has already been a great honor for me to even meet His Majesty. I still have matters to attend to, and I need to check on my subordinates too,” Avon said as he silently ushered the injured Lucas. toward the door.

try to keep Avon. He simply instructed his people to walk them out.

to Balthazar’s bed. He shook his head as he observed

better hang in there a little longer, you old

Logan had prepared a lavish villa for Sherry. Ever since he got the news, he got restless and couldn’t

nervous at the same time. He had also prepared a gift

City. Soon, two disheveled men

the real Warren and Lucas.

avoid being discovered, they even cooked and relieved themselves

on this occasion, the smoke got too choking. They were forced to leave the

a few

they could register what was happening, Joey and her subordinates apprehended

martial arts fighters. Should we report

was better to avoid reporting them to the superiors for the

just petty thieves.

Joey said.




was sitting imposingly in front of everyone.

Raging Blade, Theo was

everyone. He relished it very much. Prior to this, he

mother, we need to make a good showing too.

became the vice head, he idled his days away without doing anything

had no respect for the others either, be it the elders or the

have some sort of brilliant idea, Mr. Eckert?” Theo commented

by Theo’s smug demeanor.

nobody. Somehow, he became the

I just have a suggestion. Why don’t we capture Caspian’s wife? We can use her as

Why don’t you handle

irate, and everyone else was pissed as well. However, they couldn’t

subordinates rushed in and cried out in alarm,

course, was Darren’s nephew.

would be the next head of Raging Blade. Darren didn’t have a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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