Chapter 814 Fleeing to Another Country

Caspian was stunned when he heard that, and it proved to be a difficult issue to solve. The fact that the King wanted to head to the front lines now was bad news.

“No matter what, you must stop the King from going to West Aridlands!” Caspian said firmly.

Laina was helpless. “How would I dare to, Lord Caspian?”

“I don’t care. This is an order. Almost everything in Dhord City is settled now, so you must stop the King,” Caspian said, refusing to answer that question. “If anything happens, I’ll take up the responsibility for it!”

Caspian ended the call and quickly called Avon. He asked, going straight to the point, “Where are you, Avon?”

“I’ve left Dhord City and am about to seek the King out,” Avon answered.

Caspian said hurriedly, “Return to Dhord City and go to the airport immediately with the Inspector General’s office to arrest Kelvin. He’s taken Macy with him, and he plans to flee from the country!”

“Yes, Lord Caspian, I’ll do so right away!” Avon dared not treat this carelessly.

Laina felt anxious after the call had ended. She had no idea how she could stop the King.

Just as the King was about to board the plane, she said to Lyndon, “Chief Gorp, I just got off a call with Lord Caspian.”

Laina’s sudden statement confused Lyndon. She continued candidly, “He said that we must stop the King from going to West Aridlands.”

She knew that there was no way she could do it alone, so she could only start from Lyndon.

After hearing her words, Lyndon understood Caspian’s good intentions. He said, ” Got it. You’ll carry out the plan while I’ll assist you. Even if His Majesty ends up holding us accountable, I’ll shoulder half of the blame.”

Meanwhile, Balthazar called to them, “What are you two still doing there? We’re getting on the plane soon!”


of the opinion that the King had already been rescued. Theo

the headquarters of Skyarch Palace, they heard wave after wave of tormented screams outside. They rushed out hurriedly, only to see a group of women pursuing and killing

wearing black leather jackets. They wielded daggers and had poisonous glares.

got ready to fight back. However, someone slit his throat before he could strike.

was dumbfounded. He wanted to escape, but he

But what awaited them was a storm of cold and unfeeling bullets. They were given no chance

expected their lives to end so disastrously when

was about to break out at the borders. The security guards

moment, an SUV suddenly sped into the airport. Before everyone could react, several more SUVS barged in as well. A group of people exited the cars, armed with guns

security guards would not just stand and watch. However, they only had electric batons with them and not firearms. Due to the disparity in their weapons, the guards were powerless against

the car slowly. Ronald and an

on the plane as soon as possible. Don’t waste

leave Diatoran now. He did not want


bodies on the floor, Macy felt murderous. She wanted

this moment, a heavily–injured Jethro dashed toward him, saying, “How shameless can

you for a long time, Mr. Roman. I thought you had fled

you? Hand Ms. Lynch to me!” Jethro grabbed Macy and said viciously, “Everyone else, hijack

not fear Jethro now–not when he was so heavily injured. He stepped forward and punched Jethro in the

old man named Leroy White struck

everyone’s surprise,

Ronald’s mouth.

all, swallowed the

that it’s a multivitamin pill? As long as you do what I say, you’ll be fine.

He was using her as a shield, so Leroy could only stop. After all, Macy served as their

Jethro flicked another pill into Leroy’s mouth. After swallowing

my control, they should serve

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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