A howl.

"Shit" Alanna hissed. "Kane show yourself out Leah lets go". Grabbing my hand she pulled me in the direction of my house. By the time we got there it was as if nothing had happened. Jake's dad was having coffee with my gran and his friends were starting to clear

some of the goods in the kitchen.

But Jake was no where to be seen.

"I'll find him". Alanna sighed as her dad gave her a nod.

Was I the only one here that thought this was weird?

"Leah, Jacob here has invited us over for dinner tonight. It's sort of a welcome to the neighbour hood dinner. How lovely is that?".

"Yeah lovely. Where's Jake?". I was curious as to where he had disappeared too. One minute he was fine and the next he looked ready to kill anything standing in his way. This family was hiding something and it was only going to be a matter of time before I figured it out. Wasn't anyone going to answer me?

"Whatever I'm going for a shower".

thing that relaxed me as well as a beach did was music. Music was my escape. Turning up the volume I hit play. Ashanti foolish came blaring through my

did was distract me from what I was suppose to be doing. Stripped to my bra and panties I entered my bathroom turning the shower on. "Baby why you hurt me, leave me and desert me". I couldn't

and I let the beat take over. Dancing like no one was watching. How wrong was I. It

it down slightly. "Why are you creeping about?". I asked my heart still hammering in my

She grinned "I didn't mean to scare you. You got some moves

Only then realising I was still only in my underwear I grabbed my housecoat and slipped

She whistled just as my phone started to ring. Weird considering the only person that would phone

name was flashing. I hadn't spoken to him since the day before I left. I still missed him. Taking

what's wrong?". Alanna asked taking a seat

my phone on my nightstand I got

about your room to sulking within seconds. Who was calling you? and

my past". I said trying my hardest to give her a smile. Him calling me only made me realise how homesick I really was. It was no mistake I missed my old life. I missed my friends. Everything back home was simple.

I rubbed a hand over my face. "I didn't expect him to call me. We ended on a good note, agreed we'd leave

upset. I knew I had to end things with him.

else. I know how hard it is even if I'm still sneaking about with him". It was her turn to sigh. "If Jake or my dad find

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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