"And he managed to get me 50% off everything".

Okay what? something wasn't adding up. Why wasn't he charging us?

"Just let me worry about the house and you focus on school and getting the grades you need to graduate. Deal?. "Deal". I frowned.

"Good now drink up we need to get home. We've got Charlotte and Jacob coming over for dinner". I loved that she sprung all this on me with zero warning. The car journey home was quiet. I was trying to figure out ways of getting out of tonight. They seemed like lovely people I just wasn't big on small talk.

As we pulled up to our house I noticed the cars parked in his drive way. He always had people over. Unclipping my seat belt and getting out I could hear the faint sound of music. Their house was never quiet. "Why don't you go over?".

"No I'm good". Lifting my stuff I took the key from her and walked the rest of the way up the drive. I didn't really want to see Jake just now. After this morning I wasn't sure where we stood. Were we friends? Kicking off my shoes I turned the TV on and fell onto the couch.

"Really Leah, that's how you're spending the rest of your Sunday?". What did she want me to do? I was out last night. I just wanted to chill before starting school tomorrow. Feeling my phone vibrate from inside my pocket I pulled it out. I had a new text from Alanna. 'He found out Ax'

Sitting up quickly I reread the message. The only thing I could think of was he found out she was still seeing Kane. Another message came through.

'I need your help. Jake's going crazy, please come over. He'll listen to you'

I frowned. I don't know how I could help her. I didn't even know if Jake and I were on good terms.

can here arguing. Maybe I should call Charlotte". My gran had a worried look on her face. Surely it wasn't


could hear

involved? Wasn't really any of my

it I'm

feet into my shoes and headed over. Getting closer to the front door I jumped when Lacey came rushing

you're here now come on". Grabbing my hand she pulled me

was hysterical. What the hell had I just walked into? The house was trashed but Alanna was the least of my worries when Lacey pulled me into the kitchen. My stomach dropped. Jake had Kane pinned to

wasn't Jake. He wasn't the same guy that was in my bedroom this

"J-Jake". I stuttered.

His full body tensed.

the floor as Jake released his

him the fuck out of my house". He growled causing me to

I was afraid.

to him that I didn't know. But did

to face me I noticed his eyes had changed colour. They weren't his normal shade of brown but darker almost black. They

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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