Oh god he was coming over for coffee. I needed to stop acting like an idiot. It was just coffee. He wasn't going to care that I was in pjs and his hoody. Maybe I should change. No! I was overthinking once again.

Concentrating back on my school work I was reading over what I had so far when the door went. It wasn't 12 o'clock yet.

He was early.

Placing my laptop to the side of me I got up, my reflection from the mirror catching my attention. I looked horrible. I hadn't even brushed my hair just threw it into a messy bun on the top of my head. The door went again.

Answer the door idiot!

Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door and pulled it open. It wasn't Jake. My stomach dropped.

"Delivery for a Leah Wilson?".

I hadn't ordered anything.

"Sigh here please". He smiled.

Who was this from?

Closing the door behind me I sat the parcel on the couch. I didn't know anyone good enough around here to send me a package. Grabbing a knife from the kitchen I cut the seal and pulled the lid off. It was black roses.

Taking out the card I felt the tightness in my chest. They were from Tommy.

my calls, you won't answer my text. Did I mean nothing to you? Please let

I have a bad

"Nice flowers".

me. Have you never heard of knocking?". Putting the lid back on the box I placed them on the floor. "I

of the chairs. Only then did I notice he was holding a bag

have you got in that bag?". I must admit it smelled delicious. "Please tell me you at least brought me

"Plates princess".

handed them to him and watched

like them I just thought he'd have brought goods. As

wait until you taste it". He winked passing me a

It was like heaven.

eyes closed as I savoured the strawberries and

mine. Taking a seat I caught him staring. "Stop staring at me". Finishing the last of my bagel I

"Anytime princess".

Again with the princess.

didn't know you wore

them more than what I

me out for coffee?".

was coming. What was I meant to say?

it was a good idea, we can maybe get to know each other better". I was cringing on the inside. How lame did I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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