"I'm getting there". It really wasn't that bad, yes I still missed Florida but I was getting used to it here. Day three and it was slightly better

"Everyone treating you okay?". She asked. I had a feeling she also knew I was struggling a little. "Alanna was saying some of the girls around here haven't been that welcoming". Alanna needed to learn to keep her mouth shut.

"Sorry to pry honey. Alanna has a big heart she just wants to make sure you're okay".

"Girls can be mean". I shrugged. I wasn't going to let it bother me anymore or at least I was going to try. It wasn't worth it and if I wanted to hang out with Jake then I would.

"They can be little bitches". Charlotte stated. "But you're a strong one I can tell". She winked just as Alanna finally graced us with her presence. "Alanna set the table your dad and brother will be home soon". My heart rate spiked a little. I was excited to see him.

"I'll help". I offered.

"No honey you sit there I need to talk to you. Alanna". She gave her a knowing look. "Set the table".

She wanted to talk to me? Talk to me about what? I was nervous, worried even.

"Do you like my son Leah?".

I didn't know what to say. This was his mom, she came across as the mother that would kill for her family. She was fierce.

"We had coffee". I blurted out. My nerves were getting the better of me. I was so lame, I felt put on the spot. "He took me for a burger". I added. Was it getting hot in here?

"So you've been hanging out together?".

"Yes". Taking a sip of my water I wiped my forehead. I was sweating. I had no idea what she was trying to do.

must like him


He was here.

making conversation". She grinned. "Go get

I use your bathroom?". I asked needing

bathroom is". Following behind him I couldn't

one". Rolling his eyes he stopped at the top

tap I splashed some water on my face in hopes I'd calm down. His mom really did put me on the spot. Rubbing some cold water on the back of my neck I

a seat.

didn't want them to get the wrong idea about Jake and I. I liked him, he seemed like a nice guy but I wasn't going to rush into something I wasn't ready for. Today was fun I enjoyed his company but it

okay?". Flushing the toilet I washed my hands. "Just coming". It was just dinner, I'm sure I could get

whispered. "I'm sorry, when she got wind about Jake taking you for a burger she lost it. She's just excited. Jakes never had a

How was that possible?

"Never?". I asked.

and I wasn't about to become his flavour of the month. "But they all seem to become obsessed with him. I swear he brings a girl home and we have to force them to

buried in his phone. I took the seat furthest away from him. I couldn't be angry at him for bringing girls home and I wasn't I just didn't think he was that type of guy. Then again what

plate fit for a king into from of me. Did Alanna also

delicious thank you". I didn't know where to start. I had a mountain

liking the

it's finished". It was more modern now and my gran went with the colour blue. "I'm glad". He grinned. "We're hoping to get it finished tomorrow. I'm

out I appreciate it". We wouldn't have been

we finish the kitchen we'll start on the bathroom. I think your gran has

sure she has". Taking a sip of my water I started to dig

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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