Quickly sending her a text I handed my phone back to him. It was a dare and I was sticking it out.

"Keep it babe it's yours".

"Thank you". I smiled as I slipped it into my bag. "Where do you want to eat?".

"What are you in the mood for?". He asked as we began to walk in the opposite direction of where everyone was hanging out.

"I'm easy". I shrugged. I could literally eat anything. I wasn't fussy.

"If we keep walking there's a little shack that's open late. Serves the best dirty fries". He smirked.

"Dirty fries?". I questioned.

"Trust me babe you'll love them". Playfully shoving my shoulder with his I shook my head and smiled.

"I'll take your word for it". I winked.

As we approached the little shack I groaned internally. Jessica and Holly were here. Holly I liked but for some reason Jessica hated me.

"Come on". As if he sensed my discomfort he slid his hand in mine and laced our fingers. "Pick whatever you want". He whispered his hot breath sending tingles down my spine.

As I was looking at the menu I could feel her Death stare in my back. This was because I was here with Jake. Was I to say no every time he asked me to go somewhere because she didn't like it? "Jake my main man". The guy behind the counter grinned. "This the little lady is it?". He winked causing me to make a face.

"Gregg". Jake nodded. He seemed very reserved, like he was holding back. "Decided what you want yet princess?".

Gregg was smiling from ear to ear. "Anything you want it's on the house".

have a burger and what about

He smirked.

won't want to share once you taste them. Gregg just give us 2 portions of dirty fries and 2

as Jake led


of Jake but Jessica

and ignore her". As he slid his hand on

I smiled when Gregg placed our drinks on the table. "I've never had someone hate me as much as she does. She doesn't even know me". "Want me to

sighed. "Did you date?". I hoped he would be honest

of his head he took a drink.

with that. She obviously wasn't over what they shared and that

our food on the table I couldn't wait to dig in. It smelled delicious. Digging my fork into the fries I

He was

"Told you". He chuckled.

Holly smiled as she

in my mouth I took a drink and smiled. "Hey Holly, how

table I noticed Jessica wasn't there. "I know you two don't get on

I know but I'm sure she'll come

"Holly". Jessica yelled.

my queue". She half smiled. "Catch

Picking up my burger I took a bite. This was even better than the fries. I had to take note and come back

Jessica has a

stopped eating. Was he trying to tell

didn't need to tell me something I already knew. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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