"I couldn't even if I wanted to". I said. "I feel like death".

"You need me to bring you anything?". I could hear voices in the background.

"No I'm all good and it's best you stay away until I feel better. Both of us don't need to be sick". I laughed. As I heard my gran coming up the stairs I took my phone off loudspeaker. "I'll be fine in a few days. I have to go I'll speak soon". Hanging up I sat myself up just as my gran walked in.

"Chicken noodle soup". She smiled. This was what she used to give me when I was younger. "I didn't put butter on the bread in case it makes you queasy now eat up". As she placed the tray on my legs I held it steady with my good hand. It did smell delicious. "Have you still been taking your antibiotics?".

"Yes of course". I had missed a few when I had been drinking but my hand wasn't as sore anymore.

"Make sure you finish them. I'm going to nip to the store for a few things but I won't be long. Do you need anything?".

"No I'm good".

"Okay honey I won't be long. Once I come back I want to have a chat with you".

"Okay". I waited until she left before I turned my tv on. Flicking through Netflix I grinned when I noticed the vampire diaries had been brought back. Hitting play I dug into my soup.


I hadn't managed to finish my soup but I did eat most of it and I was feeling much better. As I was scrolling through Facebook I received a text from Jake.

'Can we meet?'

'I'm sick Jake'


your house

out of bed and headed to my balcony. I wasn't going outside, I still

was stood under the street light shirtless. Had he been out a run? It

Jake. I

I come up?".

to pass onto him whatever


used the front door?". Rolling my eyes I walked back inside and sat on the

was well defined, very sculpted. I couldn't help but notice the scar below his left peck more so sitting on his ribs. It looked rugged like his skin

he going

a story for another time. You don't look so good

"Gee Thanks". I grinned.

a seat on the

soon". I wasn't dropping any hints for

to get rid of me?".

didn't come over here for

didn't end

"You think?".

did. It's just-..." sighing he rubbed a hand over his face. "It's hard for me Leah and I wish I could explain it


to tell you". Sitting next to me he placed his hands in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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