I could hear voices or maybe I was dreaming. Slowly coming to I opened my eyes, I wasn't in my house. Sitting up I winced at the pain shooting through my head.

"Easy sweetheart, you hit your head pretty hard".

I was at Jakes moms.

Why was I here?

Then I remembered what I saw. The beast, the wild creature. I suddenly didn't feel so good. I felt like I was going to be sick.

"It's okay Leah". As she made her way towards me I jumped to my feet. "He's upstairs and he feels terrible. He didn't want you to find out this way, please don't go". She begged.

I couldn't wrap my head around what I saw. How was this possible? He turned into an animal, a wild beast, a wolf. A massive wolf.

"It's a lot to take in honey but do you understand now why he wanted to wait?".

"I- how?". Slowing sitting back down I rubbed a hand over my face. "I need to go home". I whispered. I couldn't take any of this in. It wasn't humanly possible for him to be able to do that. "Please Leah". She begged.

"Is Jake the only one that can do that?". I asked. This was obviously the secret he was hiding or maybe the secret they all were hiding.

Maybe they're all wolfs?

"No sweetheart he's not. We run as a pack, our pack is based here in Texas".

Wow, wow and wow.

me get you some

"A pack?". I asked.

extended family. We have over 200 members and counting. Our pack

whispered mostly

the tea I gladly took it. "I added a little sugar in there". She smiled before taking a

My body was shaking. Whether it was from the adrenaline or fear

pack, he is our leader. I don't want to tell you to much Leah because I'm sure Jake will

wanted to be here anymore. Sitting my cup down my

to be

to go

the way home and didn't stop until I was in front of my house. Catching my eyes

My gran burst out the front door

to expensive for my gran to buy. "Can we afford this?". I asked. My reflection caught my attention, I

so stop worrying. Come inside for breakfast and then I'll take you a drive in it". She was so happy, excited. I wanted to be excited about my new car but


at George as he passed me a cup of coffee. "Waffles and

my phone vibrating from inside my pocket. Taking it out Alanna's name was flashing on

Placing her hand against my forehead I frowned. "You're very pale this morning,

but I couldn't exactly tell her what was wrong. Who would believe me, no one would believe what I saw and what I

sure Leah. You don't seem

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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