I didn't know how long I sat staring at the message. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. I didn't know what to say back, do I even reply? I wasn't going to shut him out, he didn't deserve that. But I couldn't just sweep what I knew under the carpet. This was big, he could turn into a wolf. I didn't understand, I wasn't really sure I wanted too.


I like Jake there was no denying that. I liked how I felt when I was around him but I couldn't let that cloud my judgement. He could be dangerous, probably was dangerous. He was a werewolf for petes sake!!!

"I need to chill out". I sighed rubbing a hand down my face. Lifting my phone I typed out a new message.


After hitting send I threw my phone to the other side of my bed. I was nervous, I was scared but I couldn't help the little bit of excitement that was building in the pit of my stomach. "Such a loser". I groaned.

He did things to me I couldn't explain but I didn't want to stop seeing him, I didn't want to shut him out. I wanted to see him more, I wanted to see him now.

I was so confused but the need to see him was overwhelming. Grabbing my phone and laptop I headed downstairs. My gran and George had already left so I was planning on taking over the couch.

I hated Sunday's, the dreaded day before Monday came. I wanted to go for coffee, I wanted to go out with my friends but I didn't want it to be weird.

Was I the only human amongst us?

This was ridiculous. They were human to right, part human? My head hurt, my mind working overtime. I was bored out of my mind. Opening my phone I brought up a new message. I wasn't staying cooped up in the house all day. 'What time are you heading out? x'

My phone started to ring, Alanna was calling me. Putting it on speaker I took it away from my ear sinking my teeth into my bottom lip.

"Leah you there?".

yeah I'm here". I shouldn't have

be ready in

"Sure, I think so".

give you a

The line went dead.

no I

with friends, what's the

gave myself a once over in the mirror. I had no idea why I was feeling so nervous. Wrapping my scarf around my neck I picked up my bag slipping

good to

sure everything in my room was switched off I headed downstairs to wait on Alanna. And that's what I

didn't bother to reply. Finding his number I brought the phone to my ear. I hoped he wasn't busy. "Shorty! How

couldn't help but

Ryan, are you busy?". Alanna and Lacey weren't my only friends here. She had to cancel and that was fine but I didn't want

re-run of scrubs


be there


wait for Ryan on the front porch. The weather didn't

curious as to where they were going. Walking down my front path I

having a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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