I knew he was still here. The weight of him against me and the heat that was radiating from him was like a comfort blanket. Groaning I moved closer to him, this felt right, us being like this felt right.


was still here.... oh shit!

Pushing him off I almost fell out the bed. He couldn't be here when she got home. Grabbing my phone I groaned, it wasn't even 7 o'clock. I was so tired, my eyes hurt, my head hurt. Pulling my curtain open I wished I hadn't. The weather was still bad, the wind had really picked up. It was dark and miserable outside.

"Babe come back to bed". He groaned. "And shut that damn curtain". Letting the curtain loose my eyes fell into slits. I don't know who he thought he was talking to like that.

"You need to leave". Yes I was being petty by asking him to leave but I also didn't need the third degree from my gran. Huffing he rolled over throwing his arm over his eyes. "What time is it?". He asked.

"Time for you to go home". Picking up his jeans I threw them at him grinning when they landed on his face.

He growled.

That was something I don't think I'll ever get used to.

them on the floor. My grin

and go home". His eyes opened, the glare evident. Someone

eyes a yawn escaped his mouth. "Come back to bed and stop


thought of my gran

and get in the damn

"Jake my gran-..."

sleeping now get in the fucking bed

growl did something

home at all. If she did catch us like this would it be so bad? She

huffed pulling his hoodie over my head. I was going to make

"I swear to fuck. Shut that damn curtain and get back into bed. I won't tell you again". I knew his teeth were clenched. I couldn't tell with the tone

what to do in here. In fact he couldn't tell me what to do period. Closing the curtain I walked towards my door pulling it open. "I'm going for coffee". He didn't reply but just to get under his skin that little bit more I slammed the door shut behind me,

on. The air was a little cold this morning and I didn't do cold. Walking into the kitchen I sighed when I realised I hadn't cleaned up the chicken I dropped last night. Flicking the

phone was still laying on the island where I left it. Checking it I sighed with relief when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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