Once Jake had dropped me off I showered and changed into comfy clothing. I had yet to wash his hoodie.

"You're quiet". My gran said. She still seemed to be in a mood. You should have seen her face when she saw I had hurt my other hand. Pissed off was an understatement. "Just thinking". Finishing off my breakfast I pushed my plate to the side.

"Back to school tomorrow and then your appointments on Friday yes?".

"Yes is everything okay?". I asked. She just didn't seem herself since she got back. If I didn't know any better I'd say she didn't want to be here.

"Sorry honey I've been a right moody cow". She sighed taking a seat next to me. "But I'm okay, don't you worry about me. Are you okay?".

"Yeah I am actually". For the first time ever this was beginning to feel like home. This was my home.

"So you and Jake". She grinned. "I told you he was good for you".

"It just happened". I smiled. "But we're taking it slow like really slow".

"Great invite him over for dinner tonight. I'll make steak. I'll see if I can still catch George while he's at the store. I hope he's ready for the third degree". She laughed as she danced her way out of the kitchen.

sure I was ready for what ever she was going to give him. She didn't like Tommy and she made that very clear

wrote my gran a note sticking it to the fridge. I wanted to see Charlotte. I didn't like how Jake left things with her. He

my hand up I was ready to knock when the door was pulled open. "I was hoping you'd come back". She smiled. "Come on in". Following her through to the kitchen I took a seat at the table. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not

sure". I wasn't nervous maybe a little sceptical but I knew she wouldn't hold back. I didn't know for sure but I

feet and followed her. "It's more private in here as well. No one

I say what do you

can hear any conversation if we set our mind to

in here. It felt homey, comfortable and it was toasty. "But he can't read my mind right?". I asked

I felt embarrassed asking.

that is open within our pack. I can communicate with Jacob when

"I-I can't with Jake".

to be able to talk

you can also block him out when you need to". She winked. "My son has a temper Leah and he can be a right, excuse my language, but he can be a right

inside of my cheek I stared at the floor. I had experienced a little of how nasty he could

I know you're just what he needs. I'm glad

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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