Wrapping my hair up and into a messy bun I grabbed my glasses from the side of my bed. Tommy Lewis was not my life anymore and god help him if I ever see him again.

Heading downstairs my stomach growled at the smell of dinner. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. It had felt like ages since we had dinner together. Smiling at George I took a seat at the table. I couldn't wait to dig in. The steak looked delicious.

"Did Lana leave already?". I asked.

"Where's she going and I take it Jake couldn't make it?". My gran asked pouring some more wine into her glass before taking her seat.

"She's got a date". I grinned.

"With the same boy I caught her with?".

"I think she likes this one". My gran knew as well as I did that Lana didn't date.

"I bloody hope so. Now what happened to Jake coming for dinner?".

Eating away at my dinner I took a sip of my water before I answered her. "He's busy gran or he would have been here". George had been very quiet since I came down, too quiet for my liking.

"Next time then sweetheart". She smiled.

"He's going to drop by tonight once he's done". I wasn't sure if I was asking her or telling her. Guess I was testing the water to see how she'd react.

"Remember you're up early for school. As long as he doesn't make it to late then I don't mind him coming but make sure he knows he's not staying". "Ellen". George sighed.

she knows my

wasn't. We weren't having sex but

strong and I couldn't take going back to experiencing the horrible pain of not accepting it. Those last few days were torture for me. I still had

my head up I blinked a few times. I was in a world of my

you need me to take you to

if you could just pick me

phone so I don't forget". The chatter between her and George picked up but I zoned out. Again the thoughts in my head taking over. Was he going to ask me to be his girlfriend? Did he already think I was. Was he

mate for better words. We were going to spend the rest of our life's together. I was


if someone better came

sweetheart are you okay?". She

I washed it down with some water. "Just tired". Getting to my feet I rinsed off my dishes and placed them in the dish washer. "I'm going to get things ready for school tomorrow". Kissing

it open. She was sitting on her window seat phone in hand. She was no longer in the

Shaking her head she got to her feet. "Why does it bother me, why am I getting


He cancelled twice, I got all dressed up for nothing. I'm not going through all the disappointment. He's f****d me

Pete to take her out. She didn't like that she had no control over it. She was always the one

yelled. "He doesn't get to cancel on me and

Not because it was funny but seeing her angry about a guy was a good sign. Pete was getting under

that cancels dates Leah not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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