"You don't need to hide it Miss Wilson. Class hasn't started yet". He chuckled. "It's nice to see you're here on time".

Giving him a small smile I placed my phone back on the table just as it vibrated.

'You okay?'

So he finally decided to check in.

"Excellent work on your personal statement by the way".

Snapping my head up my eyes connected with his. Did he just say my work was good?

"The emotion was raw, it was real. Outstanding work Leah I really mean that".

"Thanks sir". I grinned. There I thought we weren't going to get along.

"I give credit where credit is due. Now if you'll excuse me for a second". As the classroom door closed I picked up my phone and started writing a reply. 'Busy'

It was petty and I was being childish but I didn't care. He stood me up and no it wasn't a date but he still stood me up. After what happened this morning I expected him to be there. He was busy well I could be busy to.

'Real mature Leah! You best hope I don't come down there and drag your ass home'

I didn't reply. I knew if I said something to piss him off he would be true to his word and come here. I didn't need to give the girls here another reason to hate me. I'm sure I would see him tonight anyway. Taking another sip of my coffee Mr Gallagher walked back into the room with a coffee of his own. "How long before the cast comes off?". He asked taking a seat behind his desk.

"Another few weeks, I have a hospital appointment tomorrow afternoon". I said.

"So you'll be missing my class Miss Wilson?". Wait was that a hint of a smirk?

"I have a letter". I stated.

my desk. "I owe you an apology Leah. I

He did?

"Late to my class-..."

and I was late because I

phone. I thought great, another student that didn't

really that

emotion that was in that piece. Have you ever thought about majoring in English Literature?". He asked. Was he

decided what I want to do yet". I knew I was okay in this class, enough to pass my exam and maybe even get

and I knew I didn't have the grades for it. Besides it was to

Leah and someone with your

I smiled just as

asked her out yet. I was excited to see Ryan but I didn't have chemistry till last period. Hopefully I'd see

are you?". I

party after it but I want to go to the

asked you out?". I

"I-I think so".

if you want?". I

that". She

on the assignment". He grinned. "Some were better than others but you all did a great job". His eyes landed on mine.

could feel the heat on my cheeks. What in the world

Your final exam isn't going to be easy but I want you all to pass. I want you to pick a book". Groans filled the classroom as he continued to speak. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. "I want you to write an essay, I want you to really study it. I want the causes, the effects, I want to know what the author is telling you".

you picking?".

Get thinking, get studying. Chatter amongst yourself, share ideas". Taking a seat behind his desk I leaned back in

"You worried?". Abby asked.

was the hours of studying I couldn't be bothered with. "I'm thinking maybe a Jane Austen or Charlotte Brontë. What about you?". "No idea yet but hopefully he gives us plenty of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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