"Get in the f*****g car Leah".

He followed me?

"No". I glared. I didn't want to be near him right now. I was very much still in bitch mode. A side I rarely let out but it was there.

"Don't make me ask you again". His teeth were clenched, his eyes falling into slits.

He was angry, good. Now he knew I wasn't f*****g around and I meant was I said.

"I need time to myself". I said.

"You're being ridiculous princess. All that shit back there, what the fuck was that all about?".

"Because I'm fucking sick of it". I yelled. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. "Girls always ranting and raving about how good you are in bed. How do you think that makes me feel? The insults the sly comments. I've fucking had it". Angrily wiping the tears from my cheeks I held my hands up and took a step back. I didn't want him near me. "Everyone has a past Leah".

"What about Sarah, she didn't look like your past".

"They're all my past Leah. You're my mate, no one else matters. Now please get in the car".

"I still need some time to think. I'm going to walk home".

"Don't do this". He begged.

on my own for a bit, I need some space". I was sick of always being nice Leah, Leah the pushover, always seeing the good in people. If he

mine Leah". He said as I started to walk away. "You'll always be mine. I won't stop until I have

my eyes stinging from crying. My emotions were all over the place because of my damn period, but I needed to say what I said. He needs to know that if I was his then he

driveway. Opening my front

Pete was here.

on the floor I kicked off my shoes and walked

"Hey girl". She smiled.

how red and puffy my eyes were. "How was your first day?".

I think I'll like it there. Did you go to your appointment?". Pete still hadn't said one word

coming to the game tonight?". Heading into the kitchen I took a bottle of water from the

think we're going to skip. Are you going with Jake?".

with Abby. She'll be here for 6. I'm going to shower and

"You okay?". She frowned.

you before I go". Heading upstairs I went into my room. They would know soon enough that we had a fight. I wasn't

phone into my speaker I hit shuffle on my playlist. I had a massive freak out, something I had never done before. I had probably blew it way out of proportion but I didn't care. He knew where I was, he knew what I stood for now. I wasn't the girl you f****d off and it's about time he understood that, it's about time they all knew that. Grabbing a clean towel

I made the right decision, I needed some space to think. The little voice in my

shower I wrapped the towel around my body. How would he feel if guys were like that with me? Something told me it wouldn't be pretty. He couldn't be possessive of me if I wasn't allowed to be

I closed the door behind me. I needed to stop thinking about it. I was going out tonight to have fun. Once I had picked out my clothes I started on my


okay?". She asked taking a seat on

I smiled applying my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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