Wow this boy moved fast.

"She is a he". I laughed when his smile fell.

"Another dude". He huffed shoving the last of his twizzler in his mouth.

"Pretty sure his sister has started as well". I winked as the bell rang signalling it was time for our next class.

We both left the library and headed for chemistry. I hoped Mr Robinson gave us a task and let us get on with it. I couldn't be bothered with a full vocal lesson.


"You feeding me tomorrow when I come over?". He slung his arm around my shoulder as we walked to lunch.

"Always thinking about your gut but yes I'll order pizza. I'll get a table you get lunch". Dumping my bag on the chair next to me I took out my phone. I had a text from Jake. 'You alright? Can you skip?'

'What's going on?'

After texting him I waited anxiously for a reply. Why did he want me to skip?

"Got you a chicken wrap and some Cheetos". Dumping my lunch in front of me he pulled a bottle of coke from his bag. "You can have that".

"Thanks". My stomach was in knots. He wasn't replying fast enough. My phone vibrated and I almost broke a nail picking it up.

'Just checking in princess. Try and skip last period. I need to pick you up early'


asking me to

for taking me to the gas station after school. He probably

"Boyfriend?". Ryan smirked.

nothing was wrong my stomach settled and I tucked

what's the new girl

know I didn't speak to her". She was pretty, came off as a

get on like a house on fire". I smirked opening

picking you

take care of! Skip the

being an a*s.

At this rate I would end up suspended. I had never missed as many days of school. Yes my own fault but still he

"What class is it?".


Ms Graham. She's an old witch. I was 10 minutes late to her class one day and she made me stand

me home instead of me having to skip. I could

for me?".

I don't give you a sore face".

the money maker?". He laughed pointing to his face. "Of course I'll drop you

answer". I winked. Now I just had to let Jake know he didn't need to

me home so you don't

straight away. The three little bubbles were moving on my

drop you at the gas station. Alanna will meet

would get. But it tells me

"What's lover boy saying?".

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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