I met Joe. Joe ran the gas station almost all the time. He was an elder, lost his wife to a rogue wolf and had a daughter. Joe was sweet and he welcomed me with open arms.

"How'd you break your hand lass?". He asked.

"Funny story". I grinned. I felt extremely relaxed around him. He was the first one that didn't make me feel like an outsider.

We were currently sat behind the cash register drinking coffee. He had yet to teach me anything but I was okay with that. "Go on".

"Punched Jake in the face".

He burst into a fit of laughter. "A Luna that can handle herself. Tell me lass, how have you been settling in around here?". Where did I start?

"They hate me". I sighed. "But I'm handling it".

"I see".

"It's hard sometimes and then I start to think I'm not good enough and that he deserves better".

"The moon goddess is never wrong when picking mates especially an Alphas. Give them time they'll all come around sooner or later and if they don't you pull rank". He laughed. "Maybe that's just what I'll do". I grinned.

"You're strong lass I felt it the minute you walked in here. You'll be one hell of a Luna and leader. Don't let them get to you".

Why couldn't they all be like Joe?

"Thanks Joe".


going to need more

his head. "The moon goddess sure got it right with you. Give him hell lass and make sure he treats you right". As a tanker pulled into the forecourt he got to his feet. "I need to go deal with this delivery now don't be a stranger".

a new friend?".


order. You ready



up my bag. I told her not to wait, I could tell she was eager to see Carter. Locking my front door I made my way

get over the size of his house. Second biggest on the street, his parents being

howl broke through the night. It didn't scare me anymore but it did catch me off guard every now and

music playing, smell the scented candles he

was he

the hall all night?". He

into the kitchen. He was

good?". He asked sliding his phone into

need another thing to argue about and besides I didn't know if


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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