I had managed to manoeuvre myself off the bed and was currently sitting out back with a coffee. He was out cold and I didn't have the heart to wake him.

Although I was starting to get hungry.

I loved that his back garden was all open, the forest went for miles. I couldn't wait to see what it looked like covered in snow.

Finishing my coffee I went back inside. I had no idea how long he was going to sleep for but I couldn't stay to late. I still had school in the morning.

Rummaging through his fridge I jumped when arms circled my waist. I hated that I could never hear him approach.

"Your smell". He growled pulling me against him. "I can't wait until you're mine". Placing his lips against my neck my eyes closed when I felt the wetness of his tongue. "I can't wait to see my mark on you". "J-Jake I-... don't". I whispered turning in his embrace. He couldn't keep doing that. He had no idea the effect he had on me. "You can't keep doing that".

"Doing what?". He smirked his hands moving lower, resting against my bum.

that". With my hand

how I make you feel". Both of his hands rested against the tops of my thighs. My

He placed his lips against mine and all was forgotten. My hand slipped into his hair pulling with the need to have him closer. Opening

I kissed him back...

to taste him. The tingles spreading throughout my body, every part of me awakening. Catching his bottom lip between my teeth a moan escaped his lips as he pulled me off the counter and

couldn't wait for

to feel the weight of him on top of me. I had never felt this turned on ever. We had been caught up in a few situations like this before but every time he stopped or someone

Not tonight.

my legs open as he popped the button on

painful, hearing the zipper of my jeans I couldn't contain the butterflies in my stomach. I was like a starved woman. Slipping his hand inside my panties my body jerked when his finger rubbed over

already knew I was

you're soaking".. I knew his wolf was present, I knew his eyes would no longer be brown. "This

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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