"What about this one?". My gran asked.

We were currently at the mall out of town. Jake still wasn't home. He had been messaging me to keep me updated but he wasn't sure what time he would be home.

So much for being home first thing this morning.

"It's nice". I glanced at the gown type dress she was holding up.

"You've said that about the last few dresses. What's up with you?".

"I like it but it's not me". I wanted plain and simple. Nothing that sparkled, nothing to puffy.

"How about we grab a coffee and then we'll try again?".

I wasn't in the mood to shop for a dress. I didn't understand why I couldn't wear one I already had. They were making way to much fuss over this. "I'm pretty sure I have a dress I could wear". "Go grab a coffee and meet me at Selfridges. We're buying you a new dress and everything else to go with it".

"Gran that shop is expensive. I don't-.....

"Go and grab a coffee". She cut me off. "And then meet me there okay?".

"Let's just get the dress". I sighed.

"And the shoes". She grinned slipping her arm through mine.


with me Leah". We were in the car heading home.

much money to spend

and you deserve the best. Not another word about how much it cost. Are you doing anything tonight?".

Jake?". She turned onto our street and what do you know,


there are some rogue wolfs here". Signalling into our drive

cause trouble". I honestly think they were maybe looking for

met them?". She asked the car coming

met one of them but he doesn't know that".

"Leah". She warned.

he was a wolf. I'm human

he touch you?". She

Why would

he touched you

he did or he didn't. Unbuckling my seatbelt I open my door and got out. He was stood on our porch his head buried in

to type away, he didn't look at me once. "I thought I

home this morning?". I bit back. Noticing the hint of a smile on his

a sweetheart and help with

"Of course Miss Wilson".

that bag away and keep it safe". As she walked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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