Maybe I was thinking to much into it?

My eyes were red and stingy, I had been working on my paper for over an hour and still had nothing solid. I had done the research I needed and scribbled a good few points down. Yet I didn't know where to properly start. 'This assignment is harder than I thought. I sent the text to Abby hoping she was having better luck.

'Same btw Mr Gallagher expects the assignments by next Friday. Thought I'd let you know. He's became a right d**k'

I don't know how many time I read her message. That was only a week away and if it wasn't for Abby telling me I would have failed.

'Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully back soon'

I wonder why he changed the date?

Hearing the knock at my front door I set my laptop aside and got up to answer it.

"Why's the door locked Leah?". Carter barged past me into the living room.

"Because I'm here myself". I frowned closing the door back over. What was wrong with him? "Where's your mom?".

"They went back to the hospital. They've really put me in a shit position Leah and I don't know what to do". He ran a hand through his hair.

"What do you want to do?". I took the seat beside him.

"They're right in what they're saying. I'm a beta, I'll struggle to take orders from someone other than Jake. Alanna doesn't want to leave, I know she wants to stay with her family". "But you're her family too".

"If I don't go back with them I'll be kicked out for good".

it". It wasn't fair what they were asking him to do. I knew he

care I mean Jake accepted me into this pack with open arms. But unless my mom comes

grinned. "But I'm

beta surely he has

friend. The only one that can release me is him and my dads wants me home so that'll never happen". "Surely for the sake of your mate he'll let you stay here?". It shouldn't be a rule that he has to go home. They should be happy he found her. "You would think that". He

because you stink". Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete

here?". Alanna pulled her bottom

moved to let her


it". I picked my laptop up

be here soon so I decided to have a shower and pack a bag for tonight. Soon I would be packing everything

home would

grabbed my phone sitting on my window seat. In the short time that I've been here my life has been all planned

to university unless it's university here. I have to move out of my house and

didn't know I needed. I mean we argue most days, disagree on almost everything but I know now I couldn't live without him. Even the thought made me sick

a text. Someone

cause trouble beautiful. I got a little carried away this morning sorry about that. Any chance we could grab a coffee


Absolutely not!

I deleted the message. How could I be sure he wasn't being serious about

door before entering. "Can we go grab a drink please?". I couldn't tell if she had

"A drink?".

know a little bar down town.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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