It wasn't like him to be this calm.

"Derek make sure she gets home safe". He nodded towards Alanna as we headed for the exit. I wasn't convinced that he wasn't going to say anything. I didn't believe that he wasn't mad. As he unlocked the truck I got in clipping my seatbelt into place.

"Baby I'm not mad". He sighed as he started the engine.

"Okay". I frowned. I didn't disagree with him, well out loud I didn't disagree with him.

"You have a good night?". He asked pulling away from the bar and onto the road. It wasn't late but it was late enough for the roads to be quiet.

"How come they don't come around?". I had never seen any of them before.

"Later baby". He placed his hand on my thigh giving it a little squeeze.

Why was he being so nice?

"Is something wrong?". I asked.

A hearty laugh fell from his lips causing me to frown. Why was he laughing?.

"Just because I'm being nice doesn't mean something is wrong. I'm a nice guy Leah".

"I just.. it's..- I'm not saying you're not I just-...". I couldn't finish my sentence without sounding harsh.

"You expected me to go off on one because you went out?".

"Well yeah". I whispered.

"I was a little pissed". He smirked. "But not because you went out just because you didn't tell me".

didn't give me the chance. You

about that

with?". I asked placing my hand on top of his. We were a team and he needed to realise that. Visit to read the complete chapters for free.

I didn't even have time to get my seatbelt off and she was pulling

you". She

"Rylee". Jake warned.

up I'm just admiring her". She held me at arms length looking me up and down.

I was confused as hell. I had


a whole 2

Wait a damn minute!

He was a twin and I was just

me". She led me up the front path, her hand still holding mine. My mind was blown. He had a twin sister and didn't think


was late so it was quick introductions

say in the matter. Rolling over I slipped his arm getting out of bed as quietly as I could. Opening his bedroom door I

on so I knew Rylee was awake. Probably heard her brothers snores through the

to him". She smiled as I made my way into the kitchen.

moved in yet". Sitting across from her I noticed

to ask them. If they were twins how come they didn't share the Alpha title? Did

Jake is

would move in with him when we were mated

fell from her lips. "My brother has defo met his match. He treat


She laughed. "You'll get used to the overprotectiveness.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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