Lana was waiting in my room by the time I got out the shower. She was sprawled out on my bed her bags everywhere.

"What did you bring?". I frowned.

"Bout time you got out that shower. I've been here for ages". She had already poured me a glass of wine.

"I've missed you to". I made a face picking up the glass and taking a sip.

"I really have missed you. I'm looking forward to tonight". She grinned.

"Same". I started rummaging through my closet my eyes landing on my silver sequenced dress. This one left little to the imagination. Holding it against my body I chewed the inside of my cheek. "If you don't wear that I will".

"Black pumps, hair in a ponytail, no jacket?".

"Oh he is in the dog house isn't he?". She smirked.


"That I don't believe for a second. Every time he pisses you off you dress like that to rile him up. Babe that dress will knock his f*****g socks off".

"Shame he's not going to see me in it".

"Yeah right. You really think he won't show up?".

I shrugged. "Enough about Jake. I want to know how mated life is treating you".

"It's weird, crazy but the sex". She bit her lip. "The best s*x I've ever had. He makes me c*m every time".

"Lana". I rolled my eyes.

I literally don't think

been tamed". I laughed. "I'm really happy for you. It's nice to see you like this,

I never ever thought

"I'll drink to that".

little bit of jealousy eating away at me. Everyone was mated, having s*x and living their best life except me. "You'll get

you have

kitchen. Alanna and Rylee were on their way. Lacey

I was in two minds whether or not I should call him. He hadn't messaged me back and I didn't like that. I hated being left

my bed when I told her Jake had a twin sister. Also thought it was strange that I hadn't

a little crazy but I know

weird no one mentioned her before. Why do you think that is?". She passed me

not getting wasted tonight Lana". I took the shot washing it

me another shot. "We haven't been out in ages. Can we please just go out get drunk and dance the


old times". She

say her and Alanna were outside. Her mom was dropping us off as the bar we were going

outside". I grabbed my bag finishing off the wine in my glass. "Go out


"What?". I frowned.

"Talk to him".

fine. I'll talk to him tomorrow

dress.... I want to be there". She smirked. Rolling my eyes I made sure the back door was locked and all the lights were off. I

into shopping tomorrow and dinner at Jake's parents on Sunday. I couldn't

up at the bar as

'Here Nor There'

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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